I do see that point of view but I just can't separate hungry kids from woklis adults. There are bad eggs everywhere in society and there will always be those who take any little advantage they can get, sadly that's human nature. But then there are those who really, for one reason or another, do depend on the help from the state and I find it hard to take a "their own problem" stance on it. As humans we are capable of a lot of horrible things but we are also capable of great compassion (something that a few on here are lacking) and ensuring that children aren't going hungry falls under that.
I'm constantly reading that people today can't be held accountable for the actions of their ancestors. Why should children go hungry due to the fault of their parents? As Timebomb26 said, what do we do, let the kids die to teach the parents a lesson?
Yeah I have a friend like that. He is constantly getting himself in silly debt or taking payday loans, when they were available, to buy stupid stuff and he just didn't care cause his family were able to bail him out consistently. Even today in his 30s he still acts the same and gets credit or finance for everything or he will stop working for some really petty reason and know he can coast unemployed for a few months cause the bank of parents will bail him out. He was talking about getting a mortgage soon and I was laughing to myself as his credit must be non existent but then he said something about his parents going in on the mortgage with him and I was livid inside as it's taken me years of saving to get to this point, he just asked for it.
Though I have to be honest, I'm just jealous I couldn't do the same! But then I wouldn't have a work ethic.