Marvel Heroes

Took the risk and used 175 splinters for a random hero.... Got Ms Marvel :D was expecting worst but happy with that result.

Almost finished the main story arc with Cap and I'm level 30. What is there to do when you finish the story to keep levelling?
Well you've got a few choices:

Pop the difficultly up to heroic and run the story again (You'll get properly scaled versions of all the rewards except the splinters again, personally I still wouldn't recommend the whole story but I would go for the 4 quests that give power points again)
Legendary quests using any of the above.

Personally If I'm just messing around I'll run midtown or legendaries (wherever that takes me except Castle Doom), if I've got a goal in mind (like when I fell behind a friends toon we're working together with but he's got like 130% bonus xp at this point) I tend to stick to holosim and reroll legenaries until I get appropriate ones.
Bit disappointing it's just rehashing the old stuff, was hoping for something a little different. The new story quests seem like a good idea, got the first one done on Cap. Up to 32, I'll probably get him to 3rd or so and wait until a new story release. Until that point going to level Ms Marvel, got her to level 5 through the prologue and seems all right!
Bit disappointing it's just rehashing the old stuff, was hoping for something a little different. The new story quests seem like a good idea, got the first one done on Cap. Up to 32, I'll probably get him to 3rd or so and wait until a new story release. Until that point going to level Ms Marvel, got her to level 5 through the prologue and seems all right!

It's not worth playing the Story Mode more than once. You can pick up your Skill Point quests as you do LQs. The way I usually level is X-Defence for 1-20 (one run each at 1-9 and 10-19 will do it if you have a good group), then LQs up to 60 with an X-Defence run when my level ends in 8 or 9 to get a bit of gear.

Cage is a bit boring early on, but he gets more fun with every skill you unlock. By the time you reach level 47 you're pulling cars out of thin air and beating people over the head with them, and his Ultimate Power, Sweet Christmas, makes some of the biggest numbers in the game. Well geared players in my supergroup have hit for over 10 million damage with it.

Oh, and the first One-Shot Terminal is out - fight Man-Ape in the Wakandan Vibranium Mines. It's pretty tough, you'll need good AOE DPS and/or a lot of crowd control, but loot rains from the skies - on average you'll get at least one Unique item every run, and I've heard of Man-Ape dropping three.
I completed the first one shot, was good fun.

Can red terminal stuff be soloed?

What's the super group content about? In guessing large formed groups of players?
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Right so I've put a few hours into this now on lvl 20 with Cap. Just been working through on my own till now so have a few questions.

Is there a way to hot key the second row of powers (usually pressing alt + power or ctrl)?

It can be done, but you'll have to mess around with the .ini to do it. See here for the guide

How do I team up with other people?

Type /invite <playername> into the chat.

3 whats the best thing to do with dropped item? (I constantly have a full inventory of shields / suits / masks ect)

If they aren't better than your current gear then donate, for me the ideal order would be first get the crafter to level 10, then enchanter to the same, then finish both of them off before finishing with the other vendors that'll never be used before selling everything.

Others may argue on the order for such things so best bet might be to look at the list of unlocks for each on each level and make an informed decision on what's best for you.
Does ocuk have a group / clan to join?

Somebody else will have to take that one, there only seems to be a few of us posting in this thread and they aren't the ones from the other end of the thread so I doubt it tbh.
I completed the first one shot, was good fun.

Can red terminal stuff be soloed?

What's the super group content about? In guessing large formed groups of players?

There is no supergroup content. Supergroups are just the game's equivalent of guilds. Anyone can form one by talking to War Machine in Avengers Tower; he's on the opposite side of the walkway to Hank Pym. (There will be raids coming soon, but they're only 10-player instances.)

Red terminals can easily be soloed by any hero. Cosmics are better done in a party; you can arrange for someone to bring a teleporter and skip straight to the boss (except in Odin's Palace), or clean out a certain number of mobs to get a bonus chest of loot. Generally you'll ignore bonus chests except in the AIM Weapon Facility, where if MODOK gets an affix that spawns adds it's quite common to kill enough mobs for one chest while fighting him. The only other Cosmic where you might go for a chest is Church of Purification, as there are a lot of densely packed mobs.
Forgot to add: Psylocke is on the Test Centre, so she will be live this week. 400 Splinters or 900G, her default costume is the Ninja Thong but her X-Force costume will be in from the start. Strike one for getting Marvel UK into the game!
Game needs more French, bring on Phantomex!

Fantomex has an icon in the upcoming Omega System, which will be MH's post-60 levelling thing. I can't remember all the icons, but Quentin Quire and the Kree Supreme Intelligence are in there too.

If he does appear in the game, though, they'd better not use Gambit's voice actor for him.
Fantomex has an icon in the upcoming Omega System, which will be MH's post-60 levelling thing. I can't remember all the icons, but Quentin Quire and the Kree Supreme Intelligence are in there too.

If he does appear in the game, though, they'd better not use Gambit's voice actor for him.

Oops on my misspell! Well he should have a proper french accent rather than a cajun one, so hopefully they would get someone different (and better!).
There is no supergroup content. Supergroups are just the game's equivalent of guilds. Anyone can form one by talking to War Machine in Avengers Tower; he's on the opposite side of the walkway to Hank Pym. (There will be raids coming soon, but they're only 10-player instances.)

Red terminals can easily be soloed by any hero. Cosmics are better done in a party; you can arrange for someone to bring a teleporter and skip straight to the boss (except in Odin's Palace), or clean out a certain number of mobs to get a bonus chest of loot. Generally you'll ignore bonus chests except in the AIM Weapon Facility, where if MODOK gets an affix that spawns adds it's quite common to kill enough mobs for one chest while fighting him. The only other Cosmic where you might go for a chest is Church of Purification, as there are a lot of densely packed mobs.

Anyone in a supergroup that needs someone?

I'll never be a min/maxer in this game but like group content and working with others.

Like the idea of the 10 man content when that arrives.
Nice update today and new event !! Patch also inlcudes the Wolverine re-design which looks pretty darn good.

> full patch notes <

Siege of the Sentinels Event

Sentinels have invaded Marvel Heroes! In place of summoning affixes, enemies will now summon deadly Sentinels in their place! These Sentinels will drop improved loot, and have a chance to drop one of three different “sentinel parts” that can be used at your crafter for two new recipes, including a unique.
In addition, X-Defense “end of game” chest loot has been buffed, and the chest also has an escalating chance at dropping Odin Marks!

New Hero: Psylocke

The psychic ninja has arrived! Psylocke wields powerful telekinetic weaponry, her deadly “Psi-Knife”, martial arts, and powerful telepathic blasts in order to lay waste to enemies!
Level 52 Design Review: Wolverine

Wolverine has received his Level 52 Review! With a new resource: Fury, a chopper, and plenty of slick new animations, Wolverine is more capable of taking down Sentinels, ninja, and Dr. Doom than ever before!
Hero Changes

The speed for all travel powers such as Ride and flight abilities has been increased. Rejoice, Ghost Rider racing groups!

Captain America
Captain America will now place his shield on his back during his out of combat animations.
**Dr. Strange **
Astral Projection and Astral Legion clones now inherit Dr. Strange's attack speed, which will reduce the delay in attack speed.

Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman’s Seeker Orbs no longer have an animation - and as such, can be used while moving.

The maximum spirit reduction for activating a stance has been removed.

Looking forward to Psylocke !!! :p
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