US: Marvel & Netflix - Daredevil

Just finished. Overall an enjoyable show and leagues ahead of CW superhero shows (Arrow, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow). I was suprised how violent it was as well.
Oh. My. God.

I'm now on Ep10 and the prison scene where Murdock goes to see Fisk was electrifying, simply one of the single best moments of TV that I can remember, and I genuinely mean that. Vincent D'Onofrio is an outstanding actor, simply marvel-lous.

After the first few (imo) annoying (it was still a good story I just didn't like Daredevil's portrayal) episodes I am much happier with this season, they have notably increased the toughness of Daredevil, basically using his new suit as an excuse. Great story, great cast.

PS: He is still an over-principled twit with his refusal to kill people trying to kill him, which results in Elektra getting stabbed in a moment where her life was clearly in peril, and imo I think that is still highly unrealistic behaviour.
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You see all too often the kingpin won't get his hands dirty, the thing about fisk is I love his brutal approach when he's confronted, not afraid to stand and fight, bully people and his no fear attitude, marvel got his character perfect.
Loved it binged watched all 3 seasons along with Jessica, I can agree to some degree foggy, karen do touch a bit on the irritating nerve but more then ok. At first I was a bit left with wondering how is DD different from Arrow since so much of it was similar, I was saying as long as they don't introduce some ra al ghul league of assassins and have ninjas running around and yeah pretty much DD did exactly that with the hand and more in season 2 !

I actually do like arrow as a tv series despite all the 'teen' drama, the first 1-2 seasons it was gory and violent but dd I suspect has the higher up rating of 15? its clearly much more violent and able to show more gore.

Anyhow I do like sticks character and his connection to the higher up power, clearly he could do well or be the one bringing all the heroes together for the defenders tie up ?

Either way I feel with the subtle references to the MCU universe was a bit too weak, its a bit like shields where its almost like are we really in the MCU universe. AoS have nicky fury and others pop up more but its still empty and lacking, dd has the same issue, I would like to see murdock represent Tony stark at one point in a court room but that will probably be left for the big screen.

Anyhow overall loved DD, kingpin, electra, punisher was done well and look forward to Luke cage this September.
The main problem I had/have with DD are the accompanying characters. They certainly aren't the worst of any show but 9/10 when watching something with Karen, Foggy I wish they would just get on with the main story. I really didn't like the Elektra casting either, I had seen the actress in something else just before, didn't make the connection but disliked her in the other also.

If they could keep it to DD, Punisher and Fisk it would be perfect.

Jessica Jones was held up by David Tennant, JJ blonde friend and her weird all over the place boyfriend (who is a comics character and I think was sorta supposed to be like that) were awful to watch and even JJ was a bit too 'sleepwalky' through most scenes. I will say that although the fight scenes weren't impressive compared to DD I did think they were completely the right type to take. JJ has no combat training and is just used to being stronger and unable to be hurt, she knows like Luke Cage she just needs to swat her hand essentially and the problem is gone. Although I do hope we see her style progress as the series goes on.
Struggling with the 2nd series compared to the first. It started ok, but the electra stuff is beyond boring and she is terrible. I am up to episode 5 or 6 with the dull court case against the equally unbelievable DA woman.

The blonde has gone from filing paperwork to OMG you should go to law school. Seems to be falling into Arrow territory right now. Season 1 started a bit slowly but I really enjoyed it by the end. This is pretty terrible but I will see this season out. It's kind of become back ground tv while I do something else.

Just like Arrow he get's a kicking every episode, it's a bit meh.
I do see that in DD, even arrow and every other similar show but I think for a tv show to not have other characters and dialogue it would literally just be superhero porn with non stop action and this ain't Avengers or Captain America civil war, we need some build up before we see the money shot.
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