Marvel Vs Capcom 3

I mean if you were to liken a combo string in SF4 to that of MvC, my perception is that the inputs in SF4 are more complicated (i.e. involving a lot of controller motions/charge motions as opposed to pressing buttons in a dial motion)?

In fairness when I played MvC2 on the Dreamcast (very briefly) I didnt bother to sit down and master it so I am not aware of the combo strings in such games.

If you could show an example of a typical bread and butter type combo in MvC2 (or 3) that would be smashing.

(These are genuine questions, not a pop at the game. Just on looks alone this game just looks too frikkin awesome).
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MvC3 combo's are far easier to perform physically, but you need more intelligence to do them as most are situational (depend on opponents height, weight, hitbox, height in the air, angle compared to you, assist extensions and resets etc).

I had a feeling this was the case.

It will certainly be an interesting change to SSF4 thats for sure!

No chance for me in MvC3 you reckon? :) I think I will suffer badly because Ive acustomed myself to turtling/zoning with Guile in SF4/SSF4 and this game is much more fast paced and needs quicker thinking.
You can pick a keep away/chip oriented team, but generally the game is far more aggressive. Try out Modok, Arthur and Phoenix.

I certainly wouldn't underestimate your potential in Marvel.

Thanks for the vote of confidence K :) Lets see how it goes.
Will definitely try out those 3 to start with. (Actually genuinely, thank you very much for that, since I literally had no clue who to start playing with, so any recommendation is appreciated).

That would only be possible when and if I get the game! I am sure I will at some point, but it'd be nice to know what I am getting into before I get it. Plus I can watch the vids of all the chars and get some idea who to go with, definately not Ryu lol.

and this...

There's loads of useful info for everyone who doesnt have the game and hasnt played MVC2
Full moves list and a bit of info on every character.
list of playstyles, criteria with which to pick a team
Stuff on red health, DHC's, xFactor, tri jumps, etc with tips on how to use them

To me the game is pretty new (my knowlege of MvC2 is basic at best).
So starting from a basic level is fine with me, until I get the game :)
Ok just had a quick go at this...

Oh.... ****.

Is this manic or what? Totally different pace to SF4. I think if I went back to SF4 after a few weeks of playing this, it will seem so much slower in comparison.

I think the games mechanics are simpler but its more about muscle memory combos.

Am I right in saying that this game seems more forgiving timing wise? (i.e. you can buffer more attacks etc?)
You can't get much simpler than SFIV game mechanics. this is a lot more complex. You have KFC to consider, team switching, heath regen, assists, unblockables, meter usage... SFIV is such a simple game that most fighters are a lot more complex.
So far I would say that in terms of learning curve, this game is easier and the combos are easy to do i.e. the game mechanics are easier. I wasnt refering to stratgies in my comparison earlier. As to the other factors you listed, I have no idea as I have not play MvC3 enough, but I guess having a 3 vs 3 battle will yield a much higher number of permutation strategies compared to SF4

Every character has very easy "dial-a-combo's" that do 700-1300k damage. The difficulty in MvC3 is not learning combo's, it's in not getting hit by them.

Learn to hold block or something? :p
Which reminds me, is there a parry system/counter system in MvC 3?
(I've literally played about 10mins of this so not had enough time to discover. Tbh I was being dazzled by the array of combos I was pulling off).
Edit: Misread your post.

MvC is not meant to be balanced, every character is meant to be broken. It would be severely disappointing if they patched things to stunt players development and learning new things.

Not that I expected a game such as this to be finely tunned and balanced.
But surely in competitions that would defeat the objective? Your thoughts?
I think there is one thing that was said in that video that could be true...
This game does not reward defense. "You mash buttons, you're more likely to win than the guy worrying about defense".

(goto 13:00)
He's out of playing the game not the thread/forum :)

The more videos I watch of this game, the more manic it seems. In someways its starting to compare with those dance dance type games, having to press the right button at the right time.

(Obviously this is a little bit more intricate and strategical :D)

Cant wait to sit down and play it properly once I finished my dissertation :)
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