Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Nah, you know full well that people use that to try and leave a thread on their high horse once they have lost a debate.

Do not presume to know what I do and don't know sir :p

HOWEVER I do know C64 is just stirring the poo so to speak, so it makes for interesting conversation and discussion :D Let him speak I say!
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Ok I need serious help (no pun intended).

I decided to start (yes you read correctly :)) playing this game today... did some missions, tried to do an online game and I got my bum handed to me in about 10 seconds flat.

Any tips on how to get into this game? I need a totally different mindset with this compared to SSF4.
Kreeeeee and vian - Ty both. Im gonna have to get up to speed on the lingo it seems!

Just to confirm:

d.l m h s jm jm jh l+s d.h h s jm jm jh l+s qcb.super

crouching l m h s jumping m m h l+s? And should there be an or after this or is this on huge mofo chain?

Also... erm.. DHC :) ?

My advice to beginners is pick at least one top tier in your team and someone with a decent assist with whoever you like, or you are going to get bodied by someone that knows what they are doing without a chance of figuring out what’s going on and why you lost.

Pretty much what happened to me :)
It was ranked but I was immediately pitted against this guy who quite literally was toying with me. I think I was fielding Ryu, Wolverine and Captain America. It was over before it even really began.

Re: combo - d.l m h s jm jm jh l+s d.h h s jm jm jh l+s qcb.super

You're gonna have to help me disect this. the l + s basically should knock the opponent down to the floor. Can you continue the combo once hes knocked down?
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