US: Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (US timeline) *spoilers*

An enjoyable season finale, they disguised the final reveal really well. S4 looks like a bit of a reboot, which should be good. A new director is an interesting twist. Looking forward to more John Hannah next season, he brings a bit of light relief which is needed since Hunter departed.
I thought this series was very good. Finished last episode last night and (to me) it was obvious who would end up in Daisy's premonition.

I thought John Hannah did a good job but it will be interesting to know how the new direction goes - presumably they will be forced to police the Sokovia Accords?
Just checked over few things, I think the September or fall release date for AOS season 4 could be wrong, it don't look official but last season 3 started in fall september.

info here:

Overall a nice ending but bit slow and certainly lacking a bit interest imo.

-Loved it when talbot said Rasta-Hulk
-No idea who the new director is but yeah could be May, fits the budget, purpose but could be talbot.
-quake becoming more quake.
-killing matrix-hive-ward off is ok but will miss his character if they can't bring him back
I also found info/spoilers regarding AIDA here:

Could be the next ultron or robot, they could use it as an excuse to bring ward back also but doubtful.

I also have to agree with Chloe bennet aka Quake when she says marvel does not acknowledge AOS tv series, she ask the fans to ask marvel why. Its a bit like Clark Greg/Coulsen joking with Avengers stars asking when they are going to come over to his show and they just joke about it.

I guess I see in some ways its budget and it would complicate the movieverse with the tverse much more, they sealed that deal a bit with saying the avengers cant know coulsens alive cutting that universe off in one line, but its been 4 seasons now it would be nice for quake to become more involved since she does join forces with avengers in the comics/animations.

Looking forward to season 4 !
There are no mutants in this universe because Fox have their rights so instead of everyone who randomly ends up with powers being a mutant everyone who randomly ends up with powers is an inhuman.
That's what I mean, it is purely terminology? Are they all one and the same?
Or do the kree derived inhuman people differ from the xmen fundamentally?

I've never really read the comics but I believe that the xmen mutants are meant to be a natural evolutionary change, where the inhumans have been genetically manipulated by the Kree.
Its also the reason why you will never see a marvel only produced film or tv series mention the word 'Mutant'

Inhumans is marvels own way of dealing with the mutant and rights issue.

It is quite sad 20th century, fox could not do a sony and make it all part of one big family, its not like they could never bring characters back from the dead or reconnect with mutants or inhumans, since they are all connected.
Nice I think rather then netflix grab ghostrider a big name in the marvel universe at least AoS have done it, if they do it right they might be able to connect a bit more with the actual marvel universe rather then looking separate so much, maybe even make ghostrider likeable and popular again so he could turn up on the big screen.

Just need fantastic four to fall back to marvel, sadly something tells me they will hold onto those rights and lose money again.
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