US: Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (US timeline) *spoilers*

That last episode felt rushed, out of all the seasons that was my least favourite and what happened to Deke ? Did he just evaporate due to the timeline being changed or is he outside enjoying Earth ?

For supposed finale written as if it was the last ever episode it sure left way too many questions and things open ended
That last episode felt rushed, out of all the seasons that was my least favourite and what happened to Deke ? Did he just evaporate due to the timeline being changed or is he outside enjoying Earth ?

For supposed finale written as if it was the last ever episode it sure left way too many questions and things open ended

Deke went off to see the world. Pretty sure he had a long conversation with Daisy about wanting to see the world he never knew.
I think in one of those last scenes they looked at Deke's old room. Previously it was full of all that horded stuff, now very was spotlessly empty - the suggestion was he'd just vanished out of existence, along with his piles of supplies.
I'm on the UK timeline, but this isn't a moan about the US story, its more about the whole series. Such a bunch of whiney mmmmmh. Mac is a big muscley girls blouse. Ohhh you killed the little sexy blonde girl, why why why, that's not how we work, we save lives and turn the other cheek etc..... Whine whine whine...

Ermm I just tried to kill one little girl for the sake of 7bill ppl. I'm awesome. Shut your ******* mouth.
On the flip side, my names yoyo and I can zoom in and cut off someone's head and leave before they can blink but yet I hide with a gun. Whhaaaa

I still enjoy it of course or I wouldn't be in the thread but the emotional mangina filler nonsense needs to go.
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I think in one of those last scenes they looked at Deke's old room. Previously it was full of all that horded stuff, now very was spotlessly empty - the suggestion was he'd just vanished out of existence, along with his piles of supplies.

great catch, yeah agree the time line should now be changed....
I'm on the UK timeline, but this isn't a moan about the US story, its more about the whole series. Such a bunch of whiney mmmmmh. Mac is a big muscley girls blouse. Ohhh you killed the little sexy blonde girl, why why why, that's not how we work, we save lives and turn the other cheek etc..... Whine whine whine...

Ermm I just tried to kill one little girl for the sake of 7bill ppl. I'm awesome. Shut your ******* mouth.
On the flip side, my names yoyo and I can zoom in and cut off someone's head and leave before they can blink but yet I hide with a gun. Whhaaaa

I still enjoy it of course or I wouldn't be in the thread but the emotional mangina filler nonsense needs to go.

Its the biggest issue with any speedster and story writing period, at least with superman they showed his cardio dropped fast and he couldn't maintain that
level of speed but only in some versions of him. Probably why they had to kill quick silver in avengers also, otherwise he would just own every situation.

AoS has its flaws but its still a top show gonna be sad to see it finish next season but am hoping the AoS team can transition to the big screen, quake would
be so cool on the big screen and is an avenger in comics/animation.
I hadn't picked up on AoS ending after season 6. A shame but maybe the right move, apart from the odd wobble it's been pretty solid and they have been quite bold in the season long story arcs broken into pods (Jed Whedon's words not mine). It would be nice to finish before we're bored rather than after and keep the quality to the end.
I hadn't picked up on AoS ending after season 6. A shame but maybe the right move, apart from the odd wobble it's been pretty solid and they have been quite bold in the season long story arcs broken into pods (Jed Whedon's words not mine). It would be nice to finish before we're bored rather than after and keep the quality to the end.

I have not seen anything to suggest season 6 will be the last one!?
Unfortunately a half order season premiering in the summer does not look good for its chances of getting another season. Sometime American networks will send shows off to die and this is one of those ways.
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Rumors are they want coulsen back and hes already said he wants to be back to see it through.

I think the series overall was put in a bad situation with the marvel universe or film side of things and coulsens death, they were forced to keep it separate but not quite and fast forward many years after you now have Director Mack at the helm.

Hopefully all solved on the big screen if they decide to re-unite but doubt it.
A read somewhere that there could well me more seasons in the pipeline so could be plenty more to come. . .
There's been some suggestion that it might jump onto Disney's planned Streaming service as a regular weekly instead of being on ABC. And if Disney have more control then it wouldn't be so at risk of being canned. And we could actually get some better crossover.
There's been some suggestion that it might jump onto Disney's planned Streaming service as a regular weekly instead of being on ABC. And if Disney have more control then it wouldn't be so at risk of being canned. And we could actually get some better crossover.

I love that idea, if disney's streaming service has it properly were gonna have fireworks.
in case nobody heard AOS has been renewed for a 13 episode run season 7 ahead of season six airing next year, so 2020 will air season 7.
I had heard, and this seems very strange. Welcome news, but still a little strange. It's been verging on the brink of the cusp of teetering on the edge of cancellation almost since season 1 and for it to be renewed for another season before the next one has even been shown suggests to me word from 'on high' (read Disney as good as telling ABC to renew it for another season) rather than something ABC wanted to do. This also suggests ABC and/or Disney have big plans for the show so we might get some more crossover, maybe even with the planned Loki/Scarlet Witch series.
I never much doubt you'll get crossovers, AoS is still Marvel TV controled by Jeff Loeb, the new Disney+ shows are by Marvel Films directly under Kevin Fiege so while they may have the possibility of more crossover and impact on films than we're typically used to from the shows (though I still doubt it) AoS is still in this skirting around the edges of the MCU without support limbo.
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