*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Details of how to keep everyone in the land of the living.

Cool stuff. I lost my saves, but only managed one casualty (Jack or grunt). I'll have to do another run through! :)

Probably gonna go full on paragon. I can't trust myself to play as a dickwad for the whole duration of the game. Shame, Shepard is much funnier played as a complete ass-hat.
I found in Mass Effect 1 and 2 that you could be a real nasty piece of work quite a lot and still max out your Paragon side...

It was great punching the reporter or throwing someone out a window every once in a while! :D
I have just started my playthrough tonight ready for 3. I chose spacer/war hero and I'm playing as Infiltrator. Gonna try and do pretty much everything. I will probably just play it as I see it really and end up mostly paragon.

Some of the really low res textures do put me off sometimes i'm afraid:( Bioware are amazing, they put low res textures in that look really out of place, I can live with that, but then they insist on having close-ups of the textures during cutscenes!
I've just finished my playthrough with all DLC done, just got the long two month wait now. :(:D

Regarding low res textures, it's best to try and turn a blind eye to it but what makes it worse is how stunning the game world is at times and then you notice some low res textures. :(
Details of how to keep everyone in the land of the living.


Awesome :)

I'm tempted to use that to engineer a play through where everybody dies :D
Started another playthrough, told myself I wouldn't but I couldn't help myself.

Forgot how much better ME1 is than ME2.
Really anticipating the game.

I really want to do a new run through of both games but I probably will after I complete ME3.

What class does everyone pick? At first I wasn't into all the powers and stuff and I just wanted to shoot everything. I then realised how awesome the powers are when I picked Vanguard.

I heard Adept is a really awesome class to pick but I've yet to experience it.
oh well time for me to complete mass effect 2 again this time with all dlc and on insanity. Anyone else notice on the official mass effect 2 website 1200 bioware points cost £4.33 :confused: anyhoo bought all the DLC i wanted.
Thanks for that flowchart - hopefully I can just load up my last mission save and see if I can keep everyone alive that way.

I remember that Miranda was ****ed off with me after I sided with Jack and gave her a seeing to but not sure if that has any bearing on her in the last mission. She's an uptight cow anyhow.
It does if you choose her to do anything

Don't care if she dies tbh, I was really annoyed at Tali dying though so I definitely have to replay the last bit or nick a pristine savegame from somewhere ;) Really didn't want to have to make the time for another playthrough because it took ages (perhaps using a trainer for resources might make it a bit less laborious).
Only if she loses loyalty and you fail the speech check to get it back.

I thought he'd implied that that had happened. Even then, it will not necessarily be Miranda that dies if you do use her;)

If i want to engineer it so that a particular member dies, I usually use someone who's loyalty I don't have(Jack/Samara) to generate the shield when the swarmer things are after you, they then fail, and one of the squad members with you dies(I usually try to fix it so that Jacob dies!)
hmm link doesnt seem to work. What you have to do is go to http://masseffect.bioware.com/me2/info/dlc/ and buy a dlc and if you haven't got enough points you can buy the 1200 points for £4.33.

Thanks for the tip

On a side note, Kinetic for ME3 on the 360 looks like such a bodge, who wants to shout 'examine', 'hack' or some other silly command at their tv rather than just clicking a button?

Why oh why have they given Shepard an Omni-tool 'sword'? :rolleyes:
Nice originality there Bioware
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