*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Just finished the game. Obviously disappointed that my actions and choices didn't really affect the story at all. But I got the sense that that was happening from the start, rather than it coming as a shock in the final 10 minutes. It really did feel like I was being led down a pre-determined path with only a few real choices. Very linear gameplay, although enjoyable ... I'd have preferred some more choices in both decision making and within the tactical environment. Ahh well ... at least Deus Ex Human Revolution surprised me this year :)
They are recording VA for the extended cut now ....probably just Shepard saying "are you sure" to space wizard:p

I didn't think expectations could get this low...I am usually optimistic about new games/content.
First order of business has to be getting rid of Synthesis as an option!
They are recording VA for the extended cut now ....probably just Shepard saying "are you sure" to space wizard:p

I didn't think expectations could get this low...I am usually optimistic about new games/content.
First order of business has to be getting rid of Synthesis as an option!

You know the saying "you can't polish a turd"? By "clarifying" the existing ending instead of rewriting it, they are trying to polish a turd. That's why nobody has high expectations for this.
First order of business has to be getting rid of Synthesis as an option!

And what do you think the odds are of that happening?...

Sadly i can't see them removing anything to do with the farcical ending, it would be too much like an admission that they dropped the ball, my monies still on Buzz Aldrin having a 5 min waffle at the end, filling in the blanks & plot holes as he tells the kid about "the shepard".
I think I might just google the additional content when it comes out though, not sure if I can bring myself to play through the ending again.
I'm just coming to the end of a second play thru, & i must admit, knowing that the ending sucks as hard as it does, is really sapping my enthusiasm to finish the game. when i think about how many times ive played ME1 & 2 thru, how they could get it so wrong beggars belief.
The fault start`s with Bioware who`s senior managers agreed to get the game out on X timescale in the first place. This of course was a deadline set by EA (due to them funding some of it) but all the same these senior managers should have had the balls to say we need another year (never mind 3 months).

The problem here is now or a year down the line it would have sold the same amount so EA being EA took the cash route. Nothing wrong with this in the slightest. It does however have a great deal of effect on BIOWARE a fall from grace if there ever was one. With ME3 being a 55% game and SWTOR dropping subs like there is no tommorow (thats also a 55% game but Star Wars nerds love it) a once proud developer is now another software house in the pocket of EA doing sales for the dumb and dumbers of the gaming world.

I am looking forward to more indie devs picking up the mantle in PC gaming, good luck to them making a classic game, enjoy that success for rest assured if its good one of the big publishers will offer you the golden handshake and you will be a fool not to take it.

Now if we can just convince Tripwire to drop this silly WW2 stuff and make a modern day weapons shooter they would clean up the PC FPS market for a few years. (just give it a hardcore SnD mode)
How much impact does gaining war assets have on the ending? I got loads in my playthrough, just wondering how much difference it would make if I didn't bother with them ...
I'm just coming to the end of a second play thru, & i must admit, knowing that the ending sucks as hard as it does, is really sapping my enthusiasm to finish the game. when i think about how many times ive played ME1 & 2 thru, how they could get it so wrong beggars belief.

I didn't finish. I stopped in the middle of the Cerberus base.....and I was off work after an OP and bed-ridden for two weeks!!! If you had told me before release that months would go by without me replaying the game, I would not have believed you. I expected to start straight away with my 2nd playthrough
I didn't finish. I stopped in the middle of the Cerberus base.....

I haven't finished either, i got to London & started the fight to keep control of the missile tanks & just lost interest...

I really hope the ending "clarification" removes the bad taste in the mouth the lousy ending leaves.
CAme across this thanks to youtube browsing history!-

New(ish) Indoctrination video at 90 minutes long:eek:-

IT is not true....but it would have been great!

How can there be so much pointing towards it!?(much is wishful thinking, but it still ties in with it)
I haven't had the will to play this game pretty much at all :p
Got a few hours in and was do vastly disappointed with pretty much every element I gave up on it.
CAme across this thanks to youtube browsing history!-

New(ish) Indoctrination video at 90 minutes long:eek:-

IT is not true....but it would have been great!

How can there be so much pointing towards it!?(much is wishful thinking, but it still ties in with it)

Why can't it be true? "Clarification" most certainly does not rule out the indoctrination theory. And it does seem like there's an awful lot of circumstantial evidence that indicates that the indoctrination ending was what they intended, and that they ran out of time so they had to hack and slash the ending to try and make it make sense.

My worry is that now the indoctrination theory is so well known, Bioware can't use it. It would be tantamount to admitting that they released an incomplete game, and that EA interfered with their creative process because MONEY. So EA probably won't let them do it.
Why can't it be true?

For a while, I really believed it to be true, and intended, but too much time has gone past with complete silence. I would love for them to 'adopt' it now, but the idea that they planned it has left me now.

It is certainly plausible(and I was sure it was true at one point) that they ran out of time and pushed that ending out whilst they worked on the proper ending, but Biowares actions and comments over the last month or two have ruled it out completely.
For a while, I really believed it to be true, and intended, but too much time has gone past with complete silence. I would love for them to 'adopt' it now, but the idea that they planned it has left me now.

It is certainly plausible(and I was sure it was true at one point) that they ran out of time and pushed that ending out whilst they worked on the proper ending, but Biowares actions and comments over the last month or two have ruled it out completely.

They can never release a proper ending. They don't have the assets, for it (voice acting especially). Or if they do, shame on them. Not even sure they actually thought it through at all, and just went for the cop-out.

Multiplayer was a distraction (even if they didn't develop it in-house). They should have shown some balls and gone with their original idea (indoctrination) fully, and popped the multiplayer as an extra payable downloadable content, with all that micro-transaction cash-in and whatnot.

That was such a a money-grabbing move. Did they get pushed around by EA, I don't know, but it does leave a bitter taste after the good work Bioware did on ME1 and ME2 to leave the series in such a poor state.

Here I go, ranting again.
Did they get pushed around by EA, I don't know, but it does leave a bitter taste after the good work Bioware did on ME1 and ME2 to leave the series in such a poor state.

Here I go, ranting again.

"One thing we commonly see is when fans don't like something we do, they put in the comments, 'Oh those EA guys, they're making BioWare do...' And I always chuckle because we are EA, we're BioWare - we're both, and we still have huge autonomy in terms of what we do," Greg Zeschuk told us.
"We're not being forced to do anything or told to do anything. We make the decisions. We take input.
"It's just funny when people say that, because it's not actually remotely true."
"At the end of the day, we're responsible for the quality of the content and games we release, and we're committed to try and always take feedback really seriously from our fans and be humble about how we take it - use it to make the next games better," Ray Muzyka added.
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