*** Mass Effect 3 ***

I've just gotten to the citadel.
I've only had like a handful of dialogue choices, is it meant to be like this?

EDIT : You have to be kidding me.
End of ME1 I had a human council, in ME2 it was human, ME3 is now magically alien?
Reinstated Spectre status, I had that in ME2, when did they remove that from me and why bother even saying it's reinstated.
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I've just gotten to the citadel.
I've only had like a handful of dialogue choices, is it meant to be like this?

EDIT : You have to be kidding me.
End of ME1 I had a human council, in ME2 it was human, ME3 is now magically alien?
Reinstated Spectre status, I had that in ME2, when did they remove that from me and why bother even saying it's reinstated.

Yup, even on full convo choices, your options for steering the conversation/interacting are sadly limited.

How on earth did you manage to have a human council in ME1 & 2, or didn't you save the council at the end of ME1?.

You lost your Spectre status whilst the Alliance held you for investigation, as a means to stop the Batarians getting there hands on you.
Yup, even on full convo choices, your options for steering the conversation/interacting are sadly limited.

How on earth did you manage to have a human council in ME1 & 2, or didn't you save the council at the end of ME1?.

You lost your Spectre status whilst the Alliance held you for investigation, as a means to stop the Batarians getting there hands on you.

Renegade playthrough, sadly it's irrelevant, all of the choices are frankly pointless.

See, if they'd let you keep a Human council, when Earth's attacked what'd you think would happen? They'd send everything, instead since they've decided to remove/ignore the choices, you're all set on the same linear path in regards to that.

Losing the spectre status still makes no sense.
Just completed it... I can see what everyone is talking about now with choices but really enjoyed the game and the music, voice acting and most of the graphics were superb!!! let's hope that Bioware do us all a favour and produce extra cutscenes to explain the story better!.....
Renegade playthrough, sadly it's irrelevant, all of the choices are frankly pointless.

See, if they'd let you keep a Human council, when Earth's attacked what'd you think would happen? They'd send everything, instead since they've decided to remove/ignore the choices, you're all set on the same linear path in regards to that.

Losing the spectre status still makes no sense.

Losing the Spectre status was due to what occurs at the end of Arrival. Shepard is removed from active duty, but brought back in at the start of ME3.
Losing the Spectre status was due to what occurs at the end of Arrival. Shepard is removed from active duty, but brought back in at the start of ME3.

Being removed from the alliance doesn't equal being removed as a spectre.
The spectre's don't adhere to a law as such.
I just thought it was pointless to not tell you they've removed your spectre status to reinstating it.

That's my point, it's frugal.
Those who didn't play the DLC will go from pwning Collectors to being randomly on Earth (To be fair, even after arrival that's still the case)
Being removed from the alliance doesn't equal being removed as a spectre.
The spectre's don't adhere to a law as such.
I just thought it was pointless to not tell you they've removed your spectre status to reinstating it.

That's my point, it's frugal.
Those who didn't play the DLC will go from pwning Collectors to being randomly on Earth (To be fair, even after arrival that's still the case)

Totally agreed on the abandonment of previous choices.
Since when was Mass Effect all about pressing the trigger as fast as I can? That's what I'm getting from the gameplay so far.
Story's still pretty good, the Javik thing I thought was awesome, the gameplay/combat so far is very, very disappointing.
Since when was Mass Effect all about pressing the trigger as fast as I can? That's what I'm getting from the gameplay so far.

I thought it was more about spamming powers than using weapons, I found biotic combo explosions to be a far more effective way of dealing with enemies
I thought it was more about spamming powers than using weapons, I found biotic combo explosions to be a far more effective way of dealing with enemies

I'm a soldier, so it seems to be spamming Q and E and the mouse as much as I can.

I'm not enjoying this game much at all, I sank a collective of 40 hours into ME1 and ME2 each, in my last 2 playthroughs building upto this....
I'm a soldier, so it seems to be spamming Q and E and the mouse as much as I can.

I'm not enjoying this game much at all, I sank a collective of 40 hours into ME1 and ME2 each, in my last 2 playthroughs building upto this....

Well there's your first mistake
In my second playthrough(abandoned before the Cerberus Base) I only used a pistol and had armour that sped up power cooldown so could just constantly use throw/warp/overload without having any cooldwon at all for throw and only a second or 2 for the others.

^^ Yeah Soldier is pretty pointless in this game tbh, as all classes can use all weapons:rolleyes:
It's like a complete backwards step, the whole "space bar does everything" is annoying too.

This is a common complaint, but not one I completely get tbh. I had it set up in exactly the same way I had ME2 set up by remapping them. I still get the occasional 'take cover instead of reading a datapad' problem, which is very annoying, but I have barely noticed a difference really.
So much of the narrative is incredibly badly executed, some might say cynical.

-You want to know why Udina is now councillor....its in one of the novels, $10!
-Want to know what happened to Emily Wong? ....read the twitter feed, she was killed off on Twitter.
-Want to know what happened to ****, Bailley, Zaeed, everyone on the Citadel, again we were told through Twitter

I am not making this up sadly:(

Could you tell me please??
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