*** Mass Effect 3 ***


The cheesetastic 'wrap up the game with 5 minutes of being talked at' is dull :/

I've been moaned at about spoilers already elsewhere so shall leave it at that for now....
I haven't played it like I used to (religously) for two weeks now due to me getting sucked into Tera Online (mmo). The MP is quite addictive once you level up your weapons.

Was hoping to play it this weekend to sort out my EMS score but ran out of free time :/

I still play every now and then as a break from revision or bf3, I only seem to play as a salarian infiltrator with the electric flamethrower rank V these days!
Just played a few gold games on MP. The game must have gotten easier because my Lv14 Geth Infiltrator named Geff pretty much blew apart anything with a black widow x. I don't remember enemies being that weak. Either that or Tera Online has improved me skills.

Not bothered about DLC. For most gamers the initial ending we all had was the true one. Going to leave it until the weekend.
Space wizard is still a total and utter fail of an ending to an otherwise pretty darn good series. The silly child's logic is totally backwards and flawed

So now the relays are just 'severely damaged' lol

The systhesis ending was ridiculous.

It's always been ridiculous IMO

Buzz Aldrin's speech now makes utterly no sense in the 'light' of the changes.

They've changed the 'Continue the story in DLC message' then I see, that was always a kick in the teeth.
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TBH,the synthesis ending is more akin to the space hippy ending of BSG IMHO.

However,the rejection,destroy and control endings are improved,and make more sense though.

Still,it would be nice to know what the heck the Star Wizzard Child is though,as it created the Reapers.

Perhaps,future content could explore this?
Just when I had stopped caring. I find myself getting angry all over again with the refusal ending. It is a total copout, and borderline insulting.

At least I can still believe in IT though!
TStill,it would be nice to know what the heck the Star Wizzard Child is though,as it created the Reapers.

Perhaps,future content could explore this?

It said that it was an AI created to find a solution to the continual organic/synthetic war. The solution it came up with was to create the reapers and harvest the species who created it which they weren't happy about. I assume the species who created starchild became harbinger.
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