*** Mass Effect 3 ***

Was going to wait before downloading the update but after hearing the negative comments I decided to just watch the new ending videos. It was a little better but still a very disappointing ending to it all, which is a shame as I did put a lot of time into the ME games. Oh well they cant please everyone!
It said that it was an AI created to find a solution to the continual organic/synthetic war. The solution it came up with was to create the reapers and harvest the species who created it which they weren't happy about. I assume the species who created starchild became harbinger.


I still think the original Dark Energy ending would have been better.

Also,whats with the stupid lack of save points at the end??

I still think the original Dark Energy ending would have been better.

Also,whats with the stupid lack of save points at the end??

I would have much rather had the reapers' motives remain mysterious and have them defeated conventionally or driven back to dark space without the whole crucible thing.

The lack of save points was annoying, I shot starchild in the face without realising that it gave a different ending and couldn't be bothered going through the end segment again so watched it on youtube. :)
I would have much rather had the reapers' motives remain mysterious and have them defeated conventionally or driven back to dark space without the whole crucible thing.

The lack of save points was annoying, I shot starchild in the face without realising that it gave a different ending and couldn't be bothered going through the end segment again so watched it on youtube. :)

It seems the original purpose of the Reapers was to harvest the most intelligent species and use them in a Borg like collective manner,to solve the issue of Dark Energy. Supposedly,it was down to the fact that Dark Energy was destroying the universe and the species which created the Reapers did not know how to stop it. So they hit on the idea on combining multiple species together to see if the problem could be solved. They also seeded the universe with Dark Energy using Element Zero technology so as to push species along that path.

The Haestrom mission,indicated the urgency of the issue as the star was destabilising far quicker than normal.

Supposedly the original ending had two choices:
1.)Destroy the Reapers and then try to figure out with the rest of the races how to solve the problem
2.)Let the Reapers harvest the species and let the cycle continue until a solution was found
I wasn't much of a fan of that ending either :)

The reapers have been reaping for over 37 million years iirc, surely organic life would have evolved mentally to a point where they could find a solution to that problem.

As I said, I would have rather had their goals remain mysterious or incomprehensible as Sovereign said.

Too late now though, I still really enjoyed all three games.
Just played a few gold games on MP. The game must have gotten easier because my Lv14 Geth Infiltrator named Geff pretty much blew apart anything with a black widow x. I don't remember enemies being that weak. Either that or Tera Online has improved me skills.

Not bothered about DLC. For most gamers the initial ending we all had was the true one. Going to leave it until the weekend.

They nerfed the tactical cloak quite badly today, reducing most people's duration to around 4-5 seconds if you chose rank 4 damage over duration. How long have you been playing to get a black widow x? I've yet to get one!
The DLC ending is much more "released product" worthy, but it still isn't a Mass Effect ending. It just seemed so cheap in comparison to the awesome writing of the series. As if the original writer just got up and disappeared and they tried to replace him with some other person who had no idea.
Must admit, i'm struggling on the Horizon Sanctury mission:

It's the section en-route to the tower. There's a banshee that's just too quick and i can't reduce its health. Moving around is not easy as there other enemies near by.

Any ideas?
Must admit, i'm struggling on the Horizon Sanctury mission:

It's the section en-route to the tower. There's a banshee that's just too quick and i can't reduce its health. Moving around is not easy as there other enemies near by.

Any ideas?

What difficulty are you playing on?

I don't recall the Banshee's being too difficult to handle on any though.. just order your squadmates to use their powers and burst it down.
The DLC ending is much more "released product" worthy, but it still isn't a Mass Effect ending. It just seemed so cheap in comparison to the awesome writing of the series. As if the original writer just got up and disappeared and they tried to replace him with some other person who had no idea.

The trouble is that it was the original writer - he just chose to do it on his own an ignore the rest of the team.

The cheesetastic 'wrap up the game with 5 minutes of being talked at' is dull :/

I've been moaned at about spoilers already elsewhere so shall leave it at that for now....
Just finished the extended cut after having to play through that god awfully hard mission at the end. Think the ending was pretty good myself - although I did shoot the catalyst by accident so had to run through the whole last bit all over again (and annoyingly there are no skip keys for conversations)

Personally I liked the extended cut, tied most bits up, bit better closure. I went with destroy because I didn't agree with Synthesis and I felt that if I took control I would eventually lost it in the future or turn dictator on the rest of the galaxy... :p

Yep hard choice I ran up and down the ramps two or three times before choosing "destroy" - having made the same conclusions as you about "control". Interestingly I couldn't choose synthesis - I'm guessing this is because I destroyed the Geth earlier in the game.

Must admit, i'm struggling on the Horizon Sanctury mission:

Keep away from the banshee's and take them out one at a time, concentrate everyones firepower on one banshee. I find an assault rifle works best at long distance, plus Liara's biotic powers (drain armor).
Must admit, i'm struggling on the Horizon Sanctury mission:

It's the section en-route to the tower. There's a banshee that's just too quick and i can't reduce its health. Moving around is not easy as there other enemies near by.

Any ideas?

Whats your class & who are your squaddies?.

I'm surprised your struggling, That being said i Vanguard, so i'm never static, i only equip Disciple x & Hurricane x buffed for damage & accuracy, & i wear Hahne - Kedar armour to buff weapon damage even further, + i squad with Kaidan & Garrus who can deal with pretty much any eventuality.
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Way to go telling him whats next VoG..... :/ perhaps he wanted it to be a surprise - next time maybe you want to use spoiler tags...
Games still a mess no matter what differences they have added.

Personally i cant wait for some MODS to come out or just something to make me1 or me2 worthwhile.

A great story and franchise, dont let it die.
DLC for SP Mass Effect 3 anounced, due this summer!.


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