lets just hope they make a good one this time. we did pressure them into making a "better" one. still feels like a monumental task to beat the showdown of all the difference species coming together to fight 1 massive threat
I was another who was rather disappointed by the ending of 3 and the lack of substance to the side quests. But I had great fun playing it, 3 was one of the few RPG's that I really enjoyed the combat.
Lady Insanity has done an interesting trailer breakdown which includes some interesting theories about what's possibly going to happen:cool:

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Proper looking forward to this. Played series about 4 times through, great fun.

Granted the ending of ME3 was abit sour, but the journey getting there was pretty damm epic.
Really not heard anything about this. I thought ME 1 was the best game ever made(before playing TW:3), but after playing ME2, which I enjoyed immensely I got about 30%(I think) through 3 & had heard about the crap endings & how multi player was required to get the best ending and gave it up as a bad job.

Is 4 looking better?
Yeah, but I have to say that the extended version was at least slightly better and did do more to explain what was going on.

Wordy, if you enjoyed ME2, you'll at least enjoy the journey in ME3.
Extended cut was great. Fleshed out a lot of the unknowns. It was still a bit too deus ex machina, but it was better than the original.
^ Far from perfect, but definitely an improvement over the original endings. I found the Leviathan DLC helped a little in that respect also.
Mass Effect makes me Mass Erect.


Sorry... couldn't resist.


Oh MrMarvelous that is beneath you!! um...I mean above you... um I don't Know where the hell it is but I aint looking!!!:o:p

I'll be glad when Andromeda hits and just may be we can move on from the ME3 (:p) ENDINGS!!!! as a whole I loved the trilogy and universe it created:)
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Theres a new Mass Effect: Andromeda vid out, it's a work in progress, but at least it gives you an idea of whats coming.

Can definitely see the same engine that Dragon Age Inquisition had. Hopefully the PC controls won't be abysmal at release like that game.
Extended cut was great. Fleshed out a lot of the unknowns. It was still a bit too deus ex machina, but it was better than the original.

It was polished crap; even though it was shiny - it was still a crap ending. It was Casey Hudson's ego - he wrote the ending because he didn't want to go the route Drew had completely foreshadowed and set up. He already said his all time favorite game was Deus Ex. He also wrote it by himself without any reviews of the other writers - which was completely different from the rest of the stories that were written for the series.

There was literally no foreshadowing of any of this - they had to recon so much stuff in ME3 to even get any of it to work. There were a lot more issues than just that ending; a lot of it was forgivable because of how well two sections were written. Krogan and Quarian story arcs were wrapped up beautifully mostly - even if some parts were a little messy in them. Then - star child......

Best part is - there's a mod that completely takes out the star child and ending actually makes more sense than it does with....that's how borked it is.....honestly I would have preferred to see what happened with Dark Matter. Hell a massive part of ME and ME2 were on that.....and suddenly poof gone.....*yea still bitter about the ending as honestly gave Bioware a solid way out of it* I need to finish my last playthrough with all the dlc..
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There's an interview with Mac Walters, creative lead for Mass Effect: Andromeda, which is worth a watch.

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