I hope this comes to steam. Never purchased Mass Effect 3. Though it was around then that I stopped buying EA games altogether. Only recently broke that by buying Fifa 17 :o

Not too excited about it after how Mass Effect 2-3 turned out. But may eventually pick it up if they release it on steam if it is good.

Extremely unlikely unfortunately :(
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Seeesh those facial animations are awful.

Looks like fun but I want to be as blown away as when the original came out.

Sadly, I have to agree with that. Is that the same actress that voiced Sam Traynor near the start?

I have to say, that if I'd never heard of Mass Effect, and I was just discovering the Universe from that trailer, I would not be super excited about getting into the series. Saying that, I'll still be buying it on release without a second thought.
I'm a big Mass Effect fan , was really looking forward to this, but this trailer looks like the game might have a SERIOUS annoyance with the main protagonist. She seems to be behaving like some kind of arrogant cocky teenager in the trailer... doubtful this is something that will be fixed, it's locked in with the voice acting.
two minds about this - paragon and renegade system gone - I like that system - people were stupid to think there weren't consequences for being total ******* - or a paladin :D combat looks solid - looks like there can be some very interesting combinations of powers...which is very cool.

Yep they are completely avoiding dealing with ME3 ending - which honestly good and bad - they really do need to fix that ****ing mess - *sorry but having to release dlcs to cover your ass - recon **** to make sure your ending works does not count* :D

but I will take for what it is - and hopefully have fun
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