I will admit that I am a huge loyal fan of the ME franchise.
About 40 hours in to MEA:
There's something just not right about this game, depth of story, polish, and all of it feeds into a subtle feeling that for all the hype it's not that great. The ME story line has always been about story over visuals, even in max settings graphics are a mixed bag. The writing in this feels more fan story, but that would be an insult to some awesome fan fiction. In MEA visuals range from pre-ME1 to beautiful, voice acting is clunky and you'll be compelled to skip some conversations, the open world doesn't work a as invisioned and plenty of bugs. MEA just feels awkward or forced. It almost seems ambition and reality of timeline in dev didn't work out. Also you can rush through this game and I think they should have stopped that or discourage it more as was found in ME2. You kind of just get a 'meh' feeling. I think over time and progression, even if the main antagonist storyline improves, much of the detractors start to really grind, wear you down and get bored. There are hints of issues in the 'real world' appearing at times.
I've tired to keep an open mind that this is a new storyline and to give it a chance but in real terms this doesn't feel like 5 years of dev or classic bioware. some may even call it DAI in space. Its hard to bond with characters or even be that fussed with the storyline and sometimes events, plots and quests seem a drag or no real placement in the context they are set. As we can see from reviews, it's not bad, it's not great but 'neutral', a mixed bag which I think is the worst kind. Many of the old team left bioware and the ME franchise and it shows. It lacks the maturity of ME1 and worst out of the 4, it certainty will be amongst biowares lesser titles.
In all it's a mixed bag but my gut feeling so far is disappointment but most of all it lacks 'soul'.
Give it it ago, but be prepared. Many will feel they would have wanted to face the reapers than run away to Andromeda. What a shame we had to wait 5 years to find out.