I only finished it recently and really loved it overall and this was playing straight after ME1 and ME2 (just playing ME3 now). It loses that tight mission, story, mission story element of the originals but I enjoyed the openness of it. I didn't even miss the original cast at all really when using Drack, Peebee and Vetra for example (the humans are awful though).
It was enlightening playing them all at the same time as many of the criticisms leveled at MEA are also blatantly abundant in the original games. The awkward pauses in conversations that shouldn't be there, really bad facial issues, conversations where the camera throws a fit and you can't see anyone who is talking, the writing being really no better etc. MEA is a newer game using better tech but it's funny how these problems only seem to become a problem in Andromeda but didn't put people off of the originals.
I think we now almost seem programmed to hate something that is a new game/film etc rebooting an older much loved franchise because many of the issues in MEA are also obvious in the originals.
The Kett were just like a poor mans reaper. Painted as technologically superior and above all life but without any of the mystery or grandiose that the reapers had.
The Archon was almost like a Disney villian too. Certainly no Harbinger.
Especially when you consider all the DLC for the original trilogy is still pretty much full price or near it.Given its currently on free 10 hour play + half price offer heh says it all - not things EA would do if they could avoid it.
Then go back and play the others far better games and characters and storyI like this game, might be because I never played the other Mass Effect games so did not expect it to be the best thing ever.
I like this game, might be because I never played the other Mass Effect games so did not expect it to be the best thing ever.
I never finished MEA so I didn't get to see too much of the Archon - but damn, if he's even more pantomime than Harbinger, that's saying something... Especially as I consider Harbinger to be the most ridiculous pantomime villain in the entire franchise who helped to ruin ME2 with its unbelievably cheesy lines of dialogue and battlefield presence.The Kett were just like a poor mans reaper. Painted as technologically superior and above all life but without any of the mystery or grandiose that the reapers had.
The Archon was almost like a Disney villian too. Certainly no Harbinger.
I'm always surprised at the negative comments ME2 sometimes gets. I thought that with all the DLC (especially Shadow Broker) it was the best overall experience of the series - just edging ahead of the first by a whisker. The only ridiculous part for me was the humanoid reaper.
Can't beat that sense of wonder ME1 creates, though.