Mass Effect playthrough, which class?

OMG! Just completed the game for the first time. This game rocks! Definitely up there with my best gaming experiences. One thing has me puzzled though; I can understand that a blue female alien race that can reproduce without males might never have evolved or needed nipples, but what happened to my female Shepherd character? Was she perhaps mutilated in the attack on her home planet when her family were killed? ;)

Anyway, on to Mass Effect 2. I'm going to miss my Shepherd character - she was one badass renegade mofo!
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Error in my post above, I actually picked Sentinel, not Vanguard. Just finishing Feros and about to head for Virmire with my Shepard levelling nicely. However I do miss the rapid fire of the assault rifle. I'm also finding the limited NP dialogue during battles a tad annoying - if I hear "Enemies everywhere", or "I will destroy you", many more times I might scream...
Error in my post above, I actually picked Sentinel, not Vanguard. Just finishing Feros and about to head for Virmire with my Shepard levelling nicely. However I do miss the rapid fire of the assault rifle. I'm also finding the limited NP dialogue during battles a tad annoying - if I hear "Enemies everywhere", or "I will destroy you", many more times I might scream...

I love ME1. Definitely the best of the three. I loved Feros, Virmire (tip, make sure you have plenty paragon or renegade points ;) ), Noveria and
The music in Mass Effect 1 is probably one of the best soundtracks around.

This piece gives me goosebumps every time. It's like the beauty shots of the Enterprise in Star Trek.

And that has to be one of the ugliest femsheps I've seen. :p
Getting a bit annoyed at my utterly useless party members lol. More often than not send them in to a room so they both die, then just do the rest my self.

Agreed! I always went with Grunt & Garrus as they were the most competent. I never really built a relationship in #2, may have to go back and re-visit that.
You need to play with an Adept and the unwritten rule with Mass Effect is you must always take Garrus with you. Always. No Excuse.
Adept character with Tali....because, well she is Tali and the best character in gaming full stop ;) and Wrex, because he's simply a bad ass and great for a tank character needed for that character loadout.
Right, that's it. New playthrough of ME starting this evening.

Curse you all.

lol. make sure you get all the HD graphic and controller mods if you've not already, link in the spoiler.


If you haven't already, go and get the Mass Effect mods most importantly MEUITM to massively improve the textrues of the game.


I seem to have settled on Wrex and Kaidan as my regular bullet sponges. Currently they are getting the best weapons and armour, once I finish Feros (this evening hopefully) I should have enough junk to sell to afford Spectre weapons for them.

Thus far I haven't found any of the other companions much use. Garrus is not the warrior he becomes in ME2 and seems to die real quick. Ashley is being lined up as the sacrificial grunt at Virmire, Liara is my Bunkie and Tali doesn't bring much to the table.
In the bedroom. :p

Not if you're a red blooded alpha hetero maleShep.

Then again, isn't Liara androgynous... oh dear :confused::confused::eek:

Edit: I did read on Reddit that you need to be very careful how you engage Kaiden in conversation or you can inadvertently start a "pink" relationship.
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