Massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake In Turkey

Comes to show, even with a national diaster killing the people who voted/support them. Politicians only care about themselves:rolleyes:
The east of Turkey is where most of the votes goes to Erdogan - conservative - religious party. Also, these people have a saying "it was gods will", that will sort out a lot of the trouble for those responsible for the terrible state of the buildings. Eastern turks are very different to western turks, those in the west are almost European like, the east is a completely different story.
The east of Turkey is where most of the votes goes to Erdogan - conservative - religious party. Also, these people have a saying "it was gods will", that will sort out a lot of the trouble for those responsible for the terrible state of the buildings. Eastern turks are very different to western turks, those in the west are almost European like, the east is a completely different story.

I noticed this when I visited Turkey last year. But sort of expected if you have a country split over two continents.
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which was elected by the people

It's really not that simple. Many of the votes were falsified. You also think that politicians don't change over time or when they're in power? Also he is very good at bribing people to get votes. I won't go into detail here, but he's a very clever and very selfish man who knows his followers and tries as many dirty tricks as he can to keep them.
I noticed this when I visited Turkey last year. But sort of expected if you have a country split over two continents.
Wrong, 90% of the turkish territory is Asia and the rest 10% is eastern Thrace (the european part). Western turks are a mix of Greeks, Celts, Ottomans,local ancient populations. Eastern turks are less Greeks and Celts and more local nationalities like kurds, assyrians, persians, armenians etc. The ottoman empire was a multi national empire
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Wrong, 90% of the turkish territory is Asia and the rest 10% is eastern Thrace (the european part). Western turks are a mix of Greeks, Celts, Ottomans,local ancient populations. Eastern turks are less Greeks and Celts and more local nationalities like kurds, assyrians, persians, armenians etc. The ottoman empire was a multi national empire

Yeah....??? So it didnt stop the country adapting the western style of living compared to the non-western style as time went on. Depending on which side of the fence you sit on.
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Looks like political corruption has cost lives here on a massive scale. Buildings that were meant to be built to earthquake resistant standards not by payment of a fee to local and national government.
Is anyone surprised that there's corruption in politics, we already know our government are beyond backwards, I'd expect governments from less developed countries to be even worse.

The issue is those in power have such a tight grip over everything, nothing will ever change without drastic measures.
Looks like political corruption has cost lives here on a massive scale. Buildings that were meant to be built to earthquake resistant standards not by payment of a fee to local and national government.

Yea, just saw that on the news. In 1999 again, as well as the EQ tax, EQ resistant building regs were implemented. But since they're not robustly enforced they keep having 'amnesties' where your non-compliant building is exempted on paying a fee.

The last amnesty was 2018, where over 50% of the buildings weren't built to regulation! Ridiculous :rolleyes:
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It's Erdogan, he's done it before, time and time again. He does this to stop "bad press" against him, he has blocked Twitter and Youtube before for multiple reasons. It's extremely selfish. He doesn't care about the Turkish people, he cares about his presidency and reputation.

EDIT: an example for you:

Could well be. Doesn't like people criticising him.
Anyone else think the Channel 4 coverage of this is gratuitous - they send their main anchor out to turkey Guru-Murphy and he conducts full hour news programme from there (direspectful)
including mansplaning interviews with emergency personnel, asking stupid questions on injury types, all with a background scenery of ongoing search, they treat it like a circus,
sprinkled with the few good luck histories/reports that exist.
.... they should be providing some funding to help with recovery not wall to wall coverage.

I'm surprised Sky haven't moved their newsdesk out there. They usually do that sort of stupid thing.
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