Crikey, that was one hell of a bang, RIP to the victims, and best wishes to thise affected, that's bloody awful.
I do still wonder why we need fireworks. All they provide is a few mins of "ooooooh" and "aaaaah"" whilst costing a fortune, making an almighty mess, ruining the environment, and creating massive hazards all over the world. Shirley laser and drone tech can outdo fireworks now?
I suspect their health and safety standards over there aren't exactly close to ours, hopefully this will encourage change.
I do still wonder why we need fireworks. All they provide is a few mins of "ooooooh" and "aaaaah"" whilst costing a fortune, making an almighty mess, ruining the environment, and creating massive hazards all over the world. Shirley laser and drone tech can outdo fireworks now?
I suspect their health and safety standards over there aren't exactly close to ours, hopefully this will encourage change.