Massive blast in Beirut

Crikey, that was one hell of a bang, RIP to the victims, and best wishes to thise affected, that's bloody awful.

I do still wonder why we need fireworks. All they provide is a few mins of "ooooooh" and "aaaaah"" whilst costing a fortune, making an almighty mess, ruining the environment, and creating massive hazards all over the world. Shirley laser and drone tech can outdo fireworks now?

I suspect their health and safety standards over there aren't exactly close to ours, hopefully this will encourage change.
Yeh you have to look closely, focus above the explosion just before the red plume of smoke you'll see what looks like a shockwave vibration in the air above, keep watching over and over it's subtle.
Subtle, as in Emperor's New Clothes subtle?
Subtle, as in Emperor's New Clothes subtle?

It is there - despite at first appearing to go downwards it is some kind of ground level flashover event that triggered the main explosion reflected in the smoke clouds around and causing some disturbance of the smoke - if you step frame by frame it is clearly reflected light.
It is there - despite at first appearing to go downwards it is some kind of ground level flashover event that triggered the main explosion reflected in the smoke clouds around and causing some disturbance of the smoke - if you step frame by frame it is clearly reflected light.
Sorry, I meant the whole "Israeli missile attack" conspiracy theory really. CTs always smack of the same "only really smart people can see them" Emperor's New Clothes style mentality.
Yeah, I've tried to think of an understandable incentive for a group/nation to flatten an important port in a metropolitan Mediterranean city in a country that's experiencing economic difficulties. Sure the Hezbollah/Israel/Iran angle is suspicious, but literally none of them gain from killing civilians like this, nor do they gain anything by pushing Lebanon into further turmoil. I suppose Russia might find it funny, but then they've been trying to show that they're an ally in the region and it really doesn't fit their MO. China doesn't bother with open aggression towards ME countries. No Western country would have done it, though there is potential for clandestine, renegade foreign policy, plenty of irrational justifications when you account for that, but even then, it's unlikely. The last group I can think of is domestic dissidents, but they'd kill their platform pretty much immediately if it ever came out, assuming their platform isn't a death cult which considering ISIS, wouldn't be unusual considering Beirut fits the description of a profligate settlement in the minds of religious fundamentalists.

Honestly, it takes too much effort to even consider belligerence when it's far more likely to have been an accident amidst an economic downturn in a country with a evidently lax regulatory system.
So from just 1 single low quality 360p clip, and not one of the hundreds of good quality videos available, all of which show nothing, zero, nada, not a sausage, not even a hint of a rocket strike, you're saying it's Israel with 100% absolute conviction - classic jsmoke! It'd be funny if the situation in Beirut wasn't so serious.

I mean really, just think of the apparent "logic" train on this to get to your "logical" end point - Israel was apparently completely happy to leave a huge store on ANFO completely alone for weeks/years (depending on which story you read), it then waited until some fireworks containers also just happened to be put in exactly the right place, then it waited again until a fire broke out in the fireworks container, and then (and only then) did it suddenly decide that the ANFO had to go and order a missile strike, with no prep time for aircraft to be loaded and launch, or be observed in the nearby airspace, or for anyone in Israel to Tweet "hey did anyone just see that missile launch????" etc. Or was it all really just an Israeli secret operation in the first place, where they got the ANFO confiscated first, then to got it stored in that particular silo, then got the fireworks stored next to it, then started a fire, then called in a missile strike once the fireworks got going for "cover" and all so that they can destroy a port, kill hundreds and garner worldwide condemnation whilst also trying to through people off the scent by being one of the first nations to offer aid?

I refer to Occams Razor on this myself.

This. Conspiracy theorists are astonishing sometimes.
One of the Hariri family was being sentenced in court yesterday around the same time. Not sure if it was the younger one or dad (both of which have been leaders of Lebanon). Could be internal politics.
So is looking like just a case of pure stupidity then?

What were all the little firework type bangs/flashes going off before the huge blast?
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