For a tip, sign up to any random bank account that isn't Nationwide or Halifax. Use it for your betting shenanigans for a few months, then swap to Halifax and bag their £100 free switch bonus, then swap to Nationwide for theirs. Easiest money I ever made.
This is amazing fun, I must be honest, Amiga is on a whole different level to me, I'm still relatively small fry but I just bought all my wife's xmas pressies with my profit which was great![]()
Was going to go for Llyods. What's a good starting sum or does YesBets go through all of this? Haha, thanks for the headsup on the account switching.
On a side note, I got some free spins on Betway the other day for depositing £10. Had to wager 40 x 10 so £400 to cash out any winnings on the bonus spins. Well, luck was well and truly with me as I ended up cashing out £555! Brilliant early Christmas present there! I could use some of this cash as my starting sum (although I have spent a little of it haha!).