Matt's Mission For Size

I understand - achieving what you have is not something to be sniffed at.

Howevevr, as pointed out in your other thread, you well have to accept that weight gain isn't going to kill you, and that - strictly speaking - fat isn't always a bad thing. In fact, having a BF%age that is too low isn't healthy.

Being fat is quite different and rather than worrying what the scales are telling you, see what the mirror has to say.

I'm a vain SOB and occasionally worry about how my not-particularly-bulging muscles are not, in fact, bulging despite my weight increasing (very slowly, nowadays). My wife also complains that I'm getting fat around my stomach.

However, I know that the mirror indicates my abz are just as almost visible as they have been for the past 6/7 years... and a lot of my favourite work shirts and suits no longer fit around my shoulders and thighs.

Moral of the story? Don't use the scales as a judge, or your own perspective: go on what actually is. :)
Well all still going well nearly up to 154lbs now :) and still eating everything.

Scared stiff still of gaining fat have to say, harder to fight that voice in my head but pushing on. Update pic.

Strong leaness.
Strong duck feet.
Strong low riding pants.

Looking good mate.
Looking good,

just get the mass added on, losing weight is easy especially if your used to a lot of cardio anyway! That and you won't suddenly become fat overnight.
Very Very used to the cardio! I dont worry about ever losing the weight I know I can do that. Its more fighting my head to stop me losing weight constantly!

Pleased with the workout though last night 60kG bench now for reps not really a problem.
Hey Matt,

Just got the Ian Thorpe: Cook for your Life book, and reading the introduction thought this might be useful for your mental stuff:

As a swimmer, I train for forty hours a week and focus on stocking up with energy - I literally eat four times more than what I do when I'm not swimming competitively.... In high-performance sport, the truth is you can pretty much each anything you want to and plenty of it in terms of calorie intake, as you burn all the calories off

Based on the two paragraphs alone that I've read so far it seems like it might be well worth a read.

Wow Thanks so much KD that actually has helped! Ill have to get that book, good read so far?

I am certainly not doing 40 hours a week but still a good 10 hours :) plus the weight training.

Thanks again!
Yeah, to be fair, most of it is just recipes. But seems quite interesting so far. Half of it I swear could be swapped for some of the stuff FF posts on here mind.

KD, Hav you read Ian Thorpe Autobiography? Was thinking of grabbing a copy.

My main issue seems to be my Sunday rest day, as I do no form of dedicated exercise only just walk the dog for an hour etc. This I do struggle with as I can understand why I need to keep my calories the same as its my single day for my body to recover its muscles etc, however I can also understand the view of cutting back abit on this day as I do nothing?

What is everyones views on this?

But your 'rest' days are when your body has the time to grow without being stressed.

In other words, when it's resting, it needs just as much energy and nutrition to grow. Everybody is different, but you should not sell your body's needs short just because YOU don't think it's doing anything... :)
Well things have been going really well, up to 11stone 1lb now!

However hit abit of a problem...... Injured my Knee, no idea how didnt feel anything all of a sudden, just a full ache on Thursday, then pain on Friday then by Saturday couldnt walk hardly!

Been to Hospital and Xrays have all confirmed it is nothing structural or bone related. Referred to a Physio but I went Private to speed things up, felt around and found that I have 3 small tears on the main tendon, and a small cartilage movement. Noting major but the small things add up to something which is quite big it seems.

They all say I have to keep moving and swimming etc but my god in the pool its AGONY! Im going to keep pounding through, but still kinda getting me down at the moment.
Thats the thing I have no idea!!! which is driving me nuts!!!!
Wednesday I went for a run and walk with the dog and thats it then no pain after or anything, then Thursday morning half way through my swim it just started to ache ever so slightly :S
Never felt anything during the run though at all, all felt great.

Physio was even stunned as he described it as if someone had side kick my knee and forced it laterally sidewards.......
Doubt that as I have been swimming for 4 years. I really dont know :S I have wrapped my head for ages about it.

I can only think of that it is one of those things :S.

But not happy at all about it lol, stopping me doing my routine now!
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