Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

It averages out. The jumps in weight no matter how small can make a big difference. After 3 cycles your weight increase may have to drop to 2.5kg if you're not making progress. What weight and set rep numbers are you doing on assistance work?
My assistance work is a bit ad lib :p

Probably need to get some structure and use things that will compliment my compound lifts.

Bench is definitely a weakness for me, more shoulder/tricep work perhaps?
Naught Max!y :mad:

Assistance work should be planned to help you sort out weaknesses but also help cover the whole range of your training for those bodyparts. Arm isolated work should be a bolt on to the accessory work, not specifically part of it.

i.e. squat depth and hip "opening" things like DBSS are fantastic for that - as well as knee stability, and core activation.

Bench, things like alternate DB press (as well as alt incline DB press), ring dips (or if you can't just regular dips) are fantastic for that stability and help activate weaker parts of the movement.
Help is always welcomed!

I feel my squat assistance is good in terms of the exercises I usually go for, ie DBSS, lunges, light leg extensions, DS squats. Not done GHR's in a while though...

Anything else that would help me out with my bench more and possibly OHP?

My deadlifting strength I'm happy with, just my form needs tweaking.

I see you tend to 4 sets/8 reps on your assistance work.
Help is always welcomed!

I feel my squat assistance is good in terms of the exercises I usually go for, ie DBSS, lunges, light leg extensions, DS squats. Not done GHR's in a while though...

Anything else that would help me out with my bench more and possibly OHP?

My deadlifting strength I'm happy with, just my form needs tweaking.

I see you tend to 4 sets/8 reps on your assistance work.

These are the assistance work that I find helps me on my training.

Compound: Squat

Assistance: DBSS, Walking Lunges, Split squats, Front squats (usually on a deload), Reverse lunges, box squats, pistol squats.

Compound: Bench

Assistance: Ring Dips, Dips, Incline DB press, Incline alternating DB Press, DB Bench press, weighted press ups.

Compound: Deadlifts

Assistance: RDLS, single leg RDLs, BORs, T-Bar Rows, Pull ups, Pull ups, Pull ups, GHRs, glute bridges

Compound: OHP

Assistance: Seated DB press, DB push press, DB Snatch, Cable side raises, Push Press (slow negatives).

Of course you can add somet machines for some extra volume.

I do 4 sets of around 8 as I like the volume and pain! :p
As an addendum to FF's post (love you, dude)...

For OHP, just be careful with big, heavy Push Presses when going through a slow negative as if you have tight-ish shoulders (delts, pecs, teres major/minor, triceps... pretty much everything in the rotator cuff and shoulder), then the added weight can find all those nasty impingements and tight spots and give them a good wrench.

So get your shoulders warm, stretched and with good rotation, as these are probably the best thing you can do as assistance (IMHO).

Secondly, I personally wouldn't advise dumbell snatches unless you know what you're doing, or are big and hairy enough to manage the pull required, because there is a reasonable chance of shafting your back (upper and lower) and shoulders if you do them wrong... the same with a lot of Olympic movements, I think.
Absolutely brilliant points and well raised.

Yess you have to be careful with shoulder stuff. Shoulder mobility is important, heck even doing some YTWs will help, face pulls etc.. to get those shoulder moving well.

DB snatch, true, I was envisaging light weights, as well as DB push presses - ie having the DB up at shoulder level and practising that explosive move and lower the DB slowly. Again with light weights. However, mrthingy makes good points, you have to be sure of your shoulder health first.
Thanks for that you two, lots to take in and try to apply :)

A few of those I've not done before so will definitely take it easy.

Deload next week so that will be a great time to experiment!

Today was as follows:

Cycle 2 - Week 3 - Day 2



Assistance Work:

Single Leg Press
Leg Extension
Calf stuff

1RM from Cycle 1 - 136kg
1RM from Cycle 2 - 138kg

Small increase but still a positive.
Not going to now :p

Cycle 2 - Week 3 - Day 3


60*5 (Super pleased with this, last rep was killer but I got there)

Assistance Work:

Seated DB Press
DB Push Press (love these!)
Side Raises

Stats now:

Cycle 1 1RM - 66.68kg
Cycle 2 1RM - 67.51kg

Small increase again, but I will take it.

Post workout chocolate pumpkin cake, hng:

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