Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

Will make the pork mince into burgers with onion!

Hot choc can be dropped but I think for what's in it its a good compromise.

Good idea on the water instead of milk, will do that.

I need to find some different breakfast ideas, low GI oats or something.

Thanks :)
Yeah, agreed. I have some low GI jumbo oats now so I can try those.

Will also have mushrooms on wholemeal toast once a week to mix things up a bit.
Nutrition makes my head explode :p

At the most succesful time of my weight loss early last year losing 3-4lb a week my diet looked like this:

Breakfast - Omlette
Pre Workout - Cereal bar
Post Workout - Squash soup with a pitta bread
Dinner - Low calorie meal of some sort.

Now this goes against lots of research in saying spiking the insulin before workouts hinders fat loss. Yet I was having a cereal bar on the way to the gym.

Every week, on a Monday I would have a bad day including a big white baguette and a curry or a kebab.

I think what I am going to go do is stick to low carb in the day, then "good" carbs in the evening. Then once a week have a blow-out.

Going to continue looking up on carb back-loading and stuff, makes interesting reading.

Pardon the rambling on here, just feel like I need to write it down somewhere :p
The cereal bar was a Rice Crispy one so fairly high in sugar.

But as you say, I think the reason behind the big loss was very low calorie.

Thinking about trying this plan, leaving say 600 cals for dinner for something sensible giving a bit of variation, then having a cheat day on say a Monday.

Would 1600 cals still be considered a bit low at my weight, how could I add to it in the day without wrecking it.


What do we think?
Yep, just made a bottle of it with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, white wine vinegar and mustard. Should be nice.

Leaves room for a good healthy 500 cal dinner.
Did some deadlifts today, progressing better now than I did last year so that's good!


90 x5
100 x5
120 x5

Next step is to get 150 x5, which is light for most of you lot but oh well :p
Chaps, pending my pictures that I will take next week to show my current size etc.

I think I am nearing the point of wanting to add some muscle on and stop with the weight loss...

I am struggling to keep a sensible diet, bear in mind I eat about 1750cals a day at the moment. I can't have high carb remember so how does something like this look, what else could you add?

Ok, I will find some info on what oakcakes I could get away with.

Could ditch the pre-workout shake and up the meat at lunchtime?

If I had say 250g of chicken at lunch and both shakes, my protein intake would be more like 225g a day, is that a bit overkill?
Can you reupload that link mate, not working here!

With the protein shakes, I won't buy the All In One yet, so my carbs will be a bit lower which isn't a bad thing for me. Will be about 100g a day.

I will take some more pictures on Friday morning (going out for another epic steak in the evening :p) and see what you guys think I need to do.
Thanks for that toxic :)

Weighed in today, still 13st 12lbs after a pretty damn strict week and 2 HIIT sessions.

I think I am plateauing but am I still a bit heavy to be doing that?

January progress pictures inbound on Friday either way.
Funny you should say that, at my sisters house at the moment surrounded by food!

Today I will take a bit of a break and get back on track tomorrow.
Pictures as promised people, avoid if you are eating breakfast :p

Belly looks awful here as my compression shorts were digging in, but what can you do.

January 1st on the left, February 1st on the right. Front and side pictures.


This is good news lol, feeling a bit rough recently so upping my food should also clear that up a bit!

Also found this picture the other day, not a good look (May 2010 so not even at my biggest)...

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