Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

I guess so, but for me its a reminder of a really bad time in my life and it frustrates me how I ended up there :(

But the show must go on!
Weigh in this morning @ 13 stone 13 lbs again. 2 bad days sets me back 2 weeks in progress, it's ridiculous! I've had a great week with food though this time, tried some new recipes and I really enjoyed the food I'm eating.

One thing, these online calorie calculators. They all seem to be pointing towards a 2200 calorie daily intake for me to lose weight, this is crap!

I have been immensely strict this week with an average of 1754 calories (1858 high point, 1599 low point).

Eating this amount I feel great, no loss in strength or energy so I don't think its too little. Do I just need to eat this amount to lose weight at this stage? I don't actually mind it but would be interested to here what everyone thinks.

I WILL get to 13 stone :p
Chaps I've been doing this regime for about 8 weeks now so I think I might change things around a bit.

Currently I am doing:

Monday = Back and Biceps

Barbell Row 5x5
Rack Pulls 12x4
Lat Pull Down 12x4
Seated Rows 12x4
Chin Ups 5x5
Standing Curls 12x4
Curls 21s x 3

Tuesday = Chest and Triceps

Flat DB Bench 5x5
Incline Barbell Bench 12x4
Cable x-over 12x4
Dips 5x5
Skullcrushers 12x4
Pull downs 12x4

Wednesday = Circuit training

Thursday = Shoulders

OHP 5x5
Shoulder Press 12x4
Side Raises 12x4
Facepulls 12x4
Rear delt flys 12x4

Friday = Off

Saturday = Legs

Squats 5x5
Split Squat 12x4
Leg Press 5x5
Leg Extension 12x4
Ham Raises 12x4

Looking at FF's new log could I attempt something like that?

My goal is to still lose a bit of weight but gain muscle too I guess.

With my compound lifts I get more enjoyment and feel it much more the next few days if I lower the weight and up the reps instead of doing the old 5x5.

Could I do 10x10 on my compound lifts with 60% of 1RM and 8x3 on my other stuff?
Thanks chap.

I did around 6 months of strict 5x5 I think off the top of my head!

Get your form perfected while you are in the early stages, will make life easier later on.

Now is really the first time I've not incorporated 5x5 into my regime so lets see what happens.

Also weighed in this morning @13 stone 10 lbs (87.09kg) which is 1lb off the lightest I've been since dieting.

I had a carb heavy meal on Saturday night, woke up Sunday morning looking the leanest I think I've ever looked, how does this work!?
On a side note my HBA1C results came in @ 5.5 :)

Cholesterol though is:

HDL Ratio 2.8mmol
HDL Level 1.6mmol

LDL Level 2.49mmol

Seems OK.
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I cannot for the life of me get below 13 and a half stone :(

1800 calories a day, training 6 times a week and I just hover under 14 stone no matter what!

Is this a sign that I'm at a weight I should be?
Ah, thought I edited it back, mis read them at first.

Just trying to lose the last bits of fat...past 2 weeks I've been doing HIIT after every session and I got down to 13,9 but straight back up to 13, 13 this week.

Will look into carb cycling, never tried it before (intentionally anyway).
Yeah there is the skin factor which also makes the BF% harder to gauge I guess.

Ultimately I would still like to build muscle which I have done without doubt but its knowing at what stage to fully go for it and adapt my training/diet to suit building muscle.
The love handles have gone down a bit over the last 2 months but aside from that I can't see any changes.

Continue with dieting and cycle carbs twice a week?

Chest rug :p

I'm really pleased undoubtedly but still pee'd off that all this hard work leaves me looking as I do if you catch my drift.

If only I hadn't slipped and applied my efforts when I was a few years younger, would look pretty good by now!
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