Max's Training Log - 1 Year On


88kg/13 stone 12lbs

Food intake was back to normal last week hence floating back up to 88kg.

Going to stick to 2500 cals for a bit and see how it goes.

Just done first session of PHAT, pretty bloody knackered!
My metabolism has issues I think so trying to find a level ground first will help me :p

I've not trained for 2 weeks and my diet was knocked down to reflect this so I expected some weight gain this week after eating normally again.

I do think I need to gain weight a bit but I'm taking it very slowly.

Will see what this week @ 2500 does it me but yeah its likely I will need to go nearer 3000.

87.2kg/13st 10lbs

Averaged 2500cals a day last week and still lost weight, I still can't seem to get a constant in terms of maintenance :confused:

My activity will now be the same for a few weeks so hopefully that will help.

Up to 2750cals a day this week roughly 150 carbs/150 fat/275 protein

87.2kg/13st 10lbs

Maintenance it would appear, 3000 cals this week.

I'm starting a new job with different training times so I was tempted to stay @ 2750 cals to create less variables but sod it.

87.5kg/13st 11lbs


1lb gain this week :D

Sticking to 3000 calories and see how it goes, probably end up losing 3 lbs this week or something silly :p

PHAT training going well but I need to push harder in the gym!

88.45kg/13st 13lbs

+2lb....bit much for my liking so I may take it down a notch to 2900 calories if I get a similar gain this week.

Although I've been training for ~2 years now, this is the first time I've tried to put on size so taking that into account is +2lb still too much?
Yeah mate 3000 cals.

Carbs still mostly PWO with 125g on PHAT power days (complex carbs). Then on rest days it tends to be 75g carbs and on PHAT hypertrophy days I have bigger simple carb feeds PWO to give around 250g give or take.

Fats always around 150g and protein around 250g.

Will keep it consistent this week again and see what the scales say on Monday!
Looking back at MFP I actually averaged 2800 on the week I gained 1lb, so that sounds about right.

Last week was 2900 average so may have just pushed me over.

Will adjust to 2800 this week and should yield greatness :p

To geek out further I think this should work better:

2800 cals on the 2 power days
2500 cals on the 2 rest days
3000 cals on the 3 HT days

Averages at 2800 :D

Will keep manipulating my carbs to suit PWO too...

Just seems crazy to eat the same amount of cals on 2 days where expenditure is massively different!

13st 13lbs 2oz

Can't remember how many ounces I was last week but if I am doing this slowly I need to start taking them into account.

Averages last week - 2810 calories, 30p/50f/20c split.

Will do the same this week :)

14st 0lbs 8oz

Averaged 2750 calories last week so from a calories in vs calories out perspective this makes no sense.

But I've been immensely stressed at work and generally feeling utterly awful so that probably has a huge part time play.

Regardless, its still too much to gain in a week so I will knock it back a bit to 2800 calories on training days and 2500 on rest days.

14st 0lbs 2oz

Averaged about 2800 calories but massively reduced my stress. Cortisol is more important than we realise :p

Will stick to it this week and see how it goes, but I feel much better in myself so that can only be a good thing.
Tomorrow indicates my 9th week on PHAT, so approaching the 12 week recommendation.

As size and strength are my focus now, would you say something like 5/3/1 or re-visit 5x5 would suit me?

I like training 4-5 days a week though but SL can be pretty demanding so the rest days might be welcomed.

14 stone 1 lb 2oz

~2750 calorie average again, possibly a higher exercise expenditure and I go from losing 4oz to gaining a 1lb. All marginal but interesting to see the fluctuation given I have so many fixed factors...

I think my average gaining is still just about on the OK side of things, if I get another 1lb up next week I will knock it down slightly.

14 stone 1 lb 2 oz

~2650 calories last week.

100 calories per day down from last week (unintentionally), will see how it goes again this week but after the 1lb gain last week I'm content with this week.

On to my final 2 weeks of PHAT, quite enjoyed the programme and my main lifts have all gone up.

Onto 5/3/1 after that, really looking forward to it.
Counting down the days till 5/3/1 as I will be down the gym earlier so no waiting for the squat rack!

After some bad news from the GP I am re-assessing my diet and doing a 10 day "prep" phase of low carb and after that I will introduce a carb refeed once a week.

If I am talking crap please tell me :p
I still think my body fat is nearer the 20% mark, I think I need to lose fat not strict weight.

CNS would appear to allow to be very low carb most of the time then refill carbs from a performance and probably mental well being standpoint.

I have been bulking for about 10 weeks which is no time but I just can't see how am I ready for that given how I currently look.

I think a bout of CNS may help me get to where I want to be then just stick to maintenance for a while...but still staying low carb as I need to.

Carbs are at 30g net with about 20 more from fiber which from what I've read, Kiefer says is ok.

Refeeds will begin at 200g and if that is not enough then I will introduce 2x refeeds a week which is more leaning towards CKD I believe.

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