Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

See this is where I think I will have issues given my diabetic tendencies...

I think 300g would be fine from 2pm to 10pm for example though.

It's a case of what works either a few carbs spread throughout the week or one hit.

Any other approaches I could look at?
Technically neither "now" but I was labelled T2, but that was mainly due to my weight (I hope), so in a way I don't want to push my luck and over step it.

It has improved to the point, as I say im not considered T2 anymore...

I have a HUGE inner fatness so the gorge is something I feel I need :p
I've gone very low carb before yeah and handled it ok.

My first carb nite falls under when I'm on holiday in France so hitting the carbs won't be hard, I will just monitor my glucose.

Is a recomp a maintenance diet?

Last time I tried fasting I felt awful in the morning but could give it another go.

Is it bad i just like huge meals lol
How long would you recommend trying CNS for? I'm on holiday mid November and staying that low carb whilst on holiday would be nigh on impossible...

Is it worth it for that amount of time to see how I handle it? (bear in mind I would probably like a week or so spare to creep the carbs back in slowly for holiday).

Other option of course is to use this prep week as the CBL prep instead?

CBL may work better with 5/3/1 too, allowing for 4 backloads a week of around 150g carbs and < 30g the other days.

I am probably coming across like a right picky ****** but I find it interesting looking at all the possibilities!

14 stone 0 lbs 11 oz / 89.2kg

~2600 calories and 30g carbs towards the back end of the week for the prep phase.

Day 5 on the prep phase now, feeling good and training hasn't been affected yet.

I'm now finished with P.H.A.T, enjoyed the program overall, fitted really well with my life at the time and my big lifts have all gone up and form has improved massively due to the focus on HT days.

This week training wise is a bit of a deload/focusing on getting my dead lifting spot on and just a mixture of training with no particular direction....that starts on Sunday :D

Will make a post on Sunday with my 5/3/1 stats :)
Yeah CBL (at the moment lol) so I'm not diving straight into a mega feed as per CNS.

Kiefer recommends either skipping breakfast or just pushing it back 2 or so hours after waking. I get up at 5:30 or 6 usually so will just have breakfast at 8ish.

I'm eating at maintenance (2500) and doing feeds of around 150-200g, will see how it goes.

Edit: I am overcomplicating things here, ignore.
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Before the next chapter of this log begins (5/3/1 and CBL) I just realised it's been 2 years now since I started doing this.

Here's a new comparison photo :o

Onwards and upwards, will update on Sunday morning :D
Tomorrow it begins:

I've also completed the CBL prep phase, started off @ 89.4kg and finished @ 88.8kg for reference.

My 1RMs I'm using are:

Bench: 90kg
Squat: 110kg
Deadlift: 140kg
OHP: 55kg

Structure is as follows:

Sunday: Bench
Monday: Squat
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Deadlift
Friday: OHP
Saturday: Rest

Backloading will be done after training days, ~175g backloads, 2500calories a day, <30g carbs on rest days.

Not expecting magic tomorrow on the bench as I'm still on low carbs but wish me luck, I will update it each week with the weeks progress :D
Might as well update this now:

Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 1



Assistance Work:

Dips 5x15
Curlzz 5x15
Pulldowns 5x15

Playing the assistance work by ear at the moment, focusing on the main lift.
Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 2



Assistance Work:

Split Squat (hngggg) 5x15
Leg Press 5x15
Leg Extension 5x15

Quads were on fire after this :eek:
Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 3



Assistance Work:

Pulls Ups 5x5
DB Rows 5x15
Lat Pull Down 5x15

That last set of deadlifts was killer!
Cycle 1 - Week 1 - Day 4



Assistance Work:

DB Shoulder Press 5x15
Facepulls 5x15
Side/Front Raises 5x15

Not the greatest session, still not found a shoulder exercise I totally get on with, any recommendations?
Cycle 1 - Week 2 - Day 1



Assistance Work:

Dips 5x15
Skullcrushers 5x15
Standing curls 5x15

Pretty chuffed with the 11 reps on 75kg :cool:
Watched the IceCreamFitness video, my grip seems to be along the lines of what he's indicating which is good.

Will definitely try the klokov press :cool:
Page 5 thank the lord....

Cycle 1 - Week 2 - Day 2



Assistance Work:

Split Squat 5x15
Leg Extension 5x15
Calf stuff 5x15

Again, pretty pleased with my squatting today :cool:
Cycle 1 - Week 2 - Day 3



Assistance Work:

Pulls Ups 5x5
DB Rows 5x15
Barbell Rows 5x15

Where in the blue hell did that last set of deadlifts appear from :eek:

Feeling goooood
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