May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Why do people antagonise situations "for the lolz" in a "i know if i whack this beehive with a stick eventually i will be stung, but ill do it to prove a point" kind of way.
People say that but the religion and the church have played an important part in education, the arts, healthcare for centuries. It's not all holy war and paedophilia.


Nothing religious has contributed to those things in any way.

Science and research have.

Religion by defenition cannot further scientific progress, its very nature is to hinder it and put all "faith" in "higher powers". Science is regarded by the religious as herasy, though in this day and age, religion has been forced to cut back, and is left with sociological/philosophical view points to have its followers put their "faith" in, as the evidence for the other scientific areas is so insurmountable that faith is abolished as knowledge takes over.

In short, Religion played no part, its presence in any scientific progress is irrelevent as it had no direct interaction with the development of any scientific gain.
Why do people antagonise situations "for the lolz" in a "i know if i whack this beehive with a stick eventually i will be stung, but ill do it to prove a point" kind of way.

Perhaps she thought she was living in the 21st century and shouldn't need to be afraid of a bunch of cave dwelling nutjobs?
Why do people antagonise situations "for the lolz" in a "i know if i whack this beehive with a stick eventually i will be stung, but ill do it to prove a point" kind of way.
Who's antagonising? A group used fear and intimidation to attack freedom of expression, that's the way I see it. The network buckled but others are prepared to stand their ground.
Perhaps she thought she was living in the 21st century and shouldn't need to be afraid of a bunch of cave dwelling nutjobs?

Then she can "go for it" im only playing devils advocate btw.

Why don't we all do it on OCUK ? Ms paint a Mohamed day???

Cos it will be closed faster than you can say "bud bud ding ding" i suspect ??
Why do people antagonise situations "for the lolz" in a "i know if i whack this beehive with a stick eventually i will be stung, but ill do it to prove a point" kind of way.

Freedom of speech and expression perhaps? Why those who choose to believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, Muhammed as the last prophet or Moses as the man who received the commandments from Yawe are afforded special protection or consideration I will never know...

I have strongly held beliefs but I certainly don't think they are above criticism or satire or that I have the right to threaten people who disagree with them. :o

I'm a terrible when it comes to any form of artistic expression unfortunately but I hope some of the entries will be insightful or at least amusing.
You mean, you know you arent equipped to defend yourself against knowledge and fact?

Alternatively the argument has been done to death so many times that it isn't really worth going over again so recently. There are numerous threads around if you really want to argue about the good and the bad things that come out of religion.

You mean, you know you arent equipped to defend yourself against knowledge and fact?

Not at all, you'll find me to be perfectly reasonable and informed, but some of the views expressed here are naive and clearly just trying to provoke a reaction. I'm better than that.

For the record, I'm not even religious, so I'm not trying to defend anything close to my heart, just common sense.
Well yes, simply instituting a "Ban" wouldnt go down very well.

But removing all religion from humanity is a good long term goal.

It is human nature to act the way we do. If humans had no religion to fight over, they'd find something else, and quickly too.

The fact that you're blaming such problems on religion itself shows you simply don't understand human nature, and or you have an irrational hatred of religion.

People need to stop taking the actions of minorities and applying them so broadly to other people.

Sure, there's loads of nutters who are muslims, however they're loads of nutters who aren't muslims, but another religion.

Anyone who takes anything like religion in their life so seriously that they'd threaten to kill those who they feel offend them, then they're clearly unstable.

If they believe so much in their religion then it shouldn't matter what anyone says about their beliefs, however they've obviously got other motives.

What this woman is doing is equally as stupid, she might think it's stupid that it's against islam to depict their prophet in picture form, but it's not her place to really make such a judgement, and to try and provoke people in such a way is just ridiculous.

Say she gets loads of death threats, whose fault is it really? She was well aware that these people act in such a way.

You can't go to places like Compton, start making gang signs and then complain when you get rushed/shot/stabbed.
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Alternatively the argument has been done to death so many times that it isn't really worth going over again so recently. There are numerous threads around if you really want to argue about the good and the bad things that come out of religion.

Nothing good comes from religion, that is able to occur without religon.

Religion is therefore redundant.
It is human nature to act the way we do. If humans had no religion to fight over, they'd find something else, and quickly too.

The fact that you're blaming such problems on religion itself shows you simply don't understand human nature, and or you have an irrational hatred of religion.

People need to stop taking the actions of minorities and applying them so broadly to other people.

Sure, there's loads of nutters who are muslims, however they're loads of nutters who aren't muslims, but another religion.

Anyone who takes anything like religion in their life so seriously that they'd threaten to kill those who they feel offend them, then they're clearly unstable.

If they believe so much in their religion then it shouldn't matter what anyone says about their beliefs, however they've obviously got other motives.

Stateing "its human nature" is just an excuse. You are claming you (and no-one else) has any self control.
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