May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Then she can "go for it" im only playing devils advocate btw.

Why don't we all do it on OCUK ? Ms paint a Mohamed day???

Cos it will be closed faster than you can say "bud bud ding ding" i suspect ??

Have you seen the level of MS Paint skill in GD of late?

It'll take a seriously dedicated bugger to try a kill somebody when he gets told that these red and blue ovals are depicting Mohamed!
What this woman is doing is equally as stupid, she might think it's stupid that it's against islam to depict their prophet in picture form, but it's not her place to really make such a judgement,

Its everyones place to insult someone elses beliefs, because it is stupid.

and to try and provoke people in such a way is just ridiculous.

Its actually extremely fun, there are hundreds of things that i wouldnt do if it didnt insult anyone
Stateing "its human nature" is just an excuse. You are claming you (and no-one else) has any self control.

It's not an excuse, as I'm not excusing the behaviour, but rather explaining it to you.

But evidently you don't understand human nature otherwise you wouldn't be going on about self control.

How Am I claiming people have no self control? (I think, I couldn't make complete sense out of what you said).
Nothing good comes from religion, that is able to occur without religon.

Religion is therefore redundant.

The same can be said about so many other things, so my response to that would be "So what?" Again, there are many better threads to argue regards to religion, including one really recent one, so why not catch up on one and add your thoughts rather than just more meaningless soundbites with little substance to back them up?
Its everyones place to insult someone elses beliefs, because it is stupid.

Its actually extremely fun, there are hundreds of things that i wouldnt do if it didnt insult anyone

I see that you have completely missed my point.

I attempted to summarise it for people just like yourself in my last sentence.

You can't go to places like Compton, start making gang signs and then complain when you get rushed/shot/stabbed.

Do you understand what I mean by that?

I'm not saying it's bad and wrong to make fun.

I think the gangs of Compton are utterly pathetic and I laugh at how pathetic they are, but why would I go there and make fun of them in some way (gang signs to provoke them?)?

It's completely to my detriment to do that.
Looking forward to this. I hope the Muslims kick up a fuss too, because that makes it all the more satisfying.
Same old same old...some muslims using fear and intimidation in the name of islam because they're offended that someone has referred to fear and intimidation in connection with islam.

Pretend it's a religion of peace or we'll kill you...maybe the most deranged thing is that they might not see the contradiction.
Same old same old...some muslims using fear and intimidation in the name of islam because they're offended that someone has referred to fear and intimidation in connection with islam.

Pretend it's a religion of peace or we'll kill you...maybe the most deranged thing is that they might not see the contradiction.

You need to appreciate the fact that these are individuals.

There isn't a Christian tag line of "Hey, we fiddle kids" just because a minority of them do.

People need to get over the fact that some people are so easily offended.

If they don't like how they act when they're offended, stop offending them?

Nothing religious has contributed to those things in any way.

Science and research have.

Religion by defenition cannot further scientific progress, its very nature is to hinder it and put all "faith" in "higher powers". Science is regarded by the religious as herasy, though in this day and age, religion has been forced to cut back, and is left with sociological/philosophical view points to have its followers put their "faith" in, as the evidence for the other scientific areas is so insurmountable that faith is abolished as knowledge takes over.

In short, Religion played no part, its presence in any scientific progress is irrelevent as it had no direct interaction with the development of any scientific gain.

Agreed. I believe religion was a way of giving definition and meaning to unknown and seemingly random acts (weather, death, illness etc) back in the early days.
We as humans have always been curious by nature and always seek understanding in everything around us. Religion would have been away to put reason to acts otherwise unknown.
This was until we as humans developed more, at which point science came into play.
This was more than just putting a name and reason to events, Science gave proof why these events happened and at the same time disproved a lot of religions meanings and beliefs.
Obv religion stuck around, too many people at this point had grown to believe all that was said and taught and too many groups of people had power over their followers (who would give that up.)
So it seems as humanity evolve we look for more ways to explain what is happening in the world around us, science is a way of doing this, religion is the alternative and imo more primitive way.
It wouldn’t surprise me that in time as science evolves religion will fade ever so slightly although i cant imagine it disappearing and I cant imagine it been anytime soon.

(These are purely my opinions nothing more.)
But south park have already shown him in 2001.

Yea how am i ment to wait until the 20th may????

Can we not have a 'Draw Mohammed now' and then have a competition or vote on or around the 20th to select the top drawings for all to view? haha
Or can we just start now until the 20th just add a few rules and keep it sort of tactful?
It could be an amusing thread after all....
Just ideas..

Came so close to hitting the Submit button on a 'Draw Mohammed in MS Paint!' thread. :p
Sigh... Religion creates far more problems than it solves. If one of these religions ever did exist, I wonder how long their respective deity would've stayed around after watching us kill each other for the last 10,000 years. And if they are still around, well, what's the point in believing in them anyway.
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