May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Its things like this that cause outrage in the muslim world and then people wonder why they hate us.

The hatred is of censorship and one group of people trying impose their morals on another over an issue that doesn't actually harm anyone.

Its not actually Islam or Muslims that are the problem. Its stupid white people who think they can make fun and have a laugh.

Clearly actually it is you who are the problem if you believe that. Also I suggest you edit since I expect there are plenty of non-white people who are also drawing mohammed today.

I dont see muslims doing anything like this for Jesus or Moses etc. Atleast the Muslims still hold some people sacred unlike the western world which makes fun of historical figures.

LOL. This should read 'at least we still have censorship and deny freedom of expression unlike the western world which is far more relaxed and progressive.' The reason you don't get muslims doing this for Jesus or Moses is because it wouldn't get a reaction. This day is intended to highlight the intolerance of some muslims for those who don't share their (stupid, just like any other religion's) beliefs

No respect in this day and age.

Yup, the idiot religious fanatics have no respect for peoples right to draw ictures of whatever they feel like

Nothing wrong with relgion, its stupid people that are the problem.

not sure where to start with this, but let's go for you misspelled relIgion (yes, obviously it is a typo, I'm having a laugh)
What I particularly love about Islam is it's backwards intolerance, why do muslims think there's a "draw mohammed day"? Probably because of their over-reaction to it which is at best, hilarious to witness, how complicated is it to work out that the more you push against an anti-islam sentiment the stronger it'll get?
How utterly stupid, Pakistan is blocking access to facebook and youtube now due to sacrilegious content.

Get a friggin' clue.

Third world country with third world believes. I do feel sorry for the legitimately sane Pakistani's that don't cling to the speakings of an invisible ghost wandering their minds, but then again, I'm willing to sacrifice their access to Facebook and Youtube in return for highlighting their backwards ways.
or you could say the idiot athiest who have no respect for the beliefs of other people

It is ranting Islamists that have no respect for the beliefs of other people.

I believe that Muhammad (put bacon upon him) is hocus pocus and that it is my right to draw Muhammad if I like. Respect those beliefs.
How utterly stupid, Pakistan is blocking access to facebook and youtube now due to sacrilegious content.

Get a friggin' clue.

People should create a groups for draw mohammed on every social networking site on the net. Maybe this would block the middle east from the internet?
Anyway when is the rioting going to begin?

Waiting for it too. Got my wine, pork chops and 'hoe' next to me, waiting for the dross to come out and wave placates around full of contradictory and misspelt words. Then again, intelligent Muslims won't pay much mind to this or take it in good nature, only the stupid gets exited.
or you could say the idiot athiest who have no respect for the beliefs of other people

I have no respect for religious belief. However, I completely respect people's right to hold these beliefs as long as they are not harming anyone else in the process. Muslims, on the other hand, are insisting on reducing people's right to express themselves...

Are you really suggesting that atheists, who have no position on what people should be allowed to draw, are somehow at fault, rather than muslims, who are actively trying to restrict what people are allowed to draw, and some who are willing to physically harm or even kill those who draw something they disagree with.

You are a retard.
Anyway when is the rioting going to begin?

^ This.

I remember watching the news when the Danish Cartoon thing kicked off. There were people in Gaza rioting and they completely burnt down the UN Humanitarian relief centre in Gaza. This was a building whose sole purpose was to organise and distribute aid to the people in the region. As I watched them prancing around the flames, slapping themselves on their heads like gorilla's, It made me realise how pathetic they are to allow themsleves to become so intollerant and to use their religion as an excuse to do it.

I half expect to get in tonight and find there have been riots, flag burning etc across the muslim world :rolleyes:
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