And for the record, I haven't bashed islam once. You've offended me by saying that.
sorry not funny
And for the record, I haven't bashed islam once. You've offended me by saying that.
sorry not funny
Pah get a life. It's called satire and it's done by the HIGNFY crew every week, at people that asked for it far less than a bunch of raving religious lunatics. Granted, the HIGNFY satire is somewhat more highbrow, but most of their jokes are in the name of pure ridicule. The jokes in this thread are ridiculing people that have killed people just for drawing Muhammad in the name of Islam.
As for making a real protest, I'm not protesting, I'm humiliating.
I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.
There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.
Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.
I think its you that should get a life.
Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?
I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.
There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.
Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.
I think its you that should get a life.
Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?
I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.
There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.
Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.
I think its you that should get a life.
Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?
So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?
So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?
But if your sole purpose of creating that drawing is to offend, then I think you're a knob.
I'd rather be a knob that a ranting raving religious nutjob.
There are other options you know?
Perhaps you could try exploring them?
Anyway, so what you're saying is that it's perfectly ok for me to post pictures of Mohammed in this thread (or anywhere), if my intention is not to offend?
Of course.
But going by some of the pics in here I would find it hard to believe that they didn't intend to offend.
Of course.
But going by some of the pics in here I would find it hard to believe that they didn't intend to offend.
So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?