May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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You can't stop the power of internet and anonimity - the fanatics can threaten people in real life but on teh internetz we can draw Mohamed as much as we like.
Pah get a life. It's called satire and it's done by the HIGNFY crew every week, at people that asked for it far less than a bunch of raving religious lunatics. Granted, the HIGNFY satire is somewhat more highbrow, but most of their jokes are in the name of pure ridicule. The jokes in this thread are ridiculing people that have killed people just for drawing Muhammad in the name of Islam.

As for making a real protest, I'm not protesting, I'm humiliating.

I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.:confused:

There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.

Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.

I think its you that should get a life.:rolleyes:

Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?

I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.:confused:

There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.

Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.

I think its you that should get a life.:rolleyes:

Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?

sums it up
I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.:confused:

There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.

Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.

I think its you that should get a life.:rolleyes:

Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?

Can we have a sub forum called "lefty-liberal sycophants pandering to the baying crowds" please?
I didn't know that there were any people that have killed in this thread.:confused:

There is a difference between painting something and someone telling you you shouldn't paint it, and painting something because you want to offend.

Yes there are some crazy Muslims that have gone ott with the death threats, but this has not affected any of you personally.

I think its you that should get a life.:rolleyes:

Can we have a sub forum called "Daily Mail readers" please?

So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?
So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?

I believe that people should have the right to draw anything they want.

But if your sole purpose of creating that drawing is to offend, then I think you're a knob.
So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?

I would think you would adhere to your own beliefs, after all you are not preaching your beleifs to muslim's or any other faiths.
The reason this all started up was because some Extremist Islamic group threaterned to do a "Van Gogh" to the South Park creators when they planned to air an episode of South Park which depicted the Prophet in a bear suit. Van Gogh being the danish cartoon guy who was murdered by an extremist Islamist for depicting the Prophet.
Perhaps you could try exploring them?

Anyway, so what you're saying is that it's perfectly ok for me to post pictures of Mohammed in this thread (or anywhere), if my intention is not to offend?

Of course.

But going by some of the pics in here I would find it hard to believe that they didn't intend to offend.
Of course.

But going by some of the pics in here I would find it hard to believe that they didn't intend to offend.

You keep saying 'intend to offend' like that's some mortal sin? To put it into some kind of context, there are people out there that are threatening to kill anyone that depicts a fictional character from the Islamic book of bad jokes, Muhammad, yet you are complaining about those in this thread that are intentionally offending people? The offended should grow some thicker skin and stop crying.
hmm, Certain people seem to be missing the point... Why the **** should we listen to rules of a religion we dont belong to!?

Shall we all start eating halal meat aswell? i mean why not, I mean I'm not muslim but muslims believe meat should be halal, We'd best eat it too right!?
So if I wanted to draw a picture of Mohammed and my intention wasn't to offend you, would that be ok or do I, as a non-muslim have to adhere to your antiquated beliefs?

Yes you can draw him and do whatever you like, but do it in private without offending the believers.

Simple example. assume I have a picture of your mother and you see me jerking off on the picture,

Are you going to be OK with that ?

If your answer is yes! and you are OK with that, then you will have all the support from the Muslim community to draw Mohammad live on TV.

Note:Cuchulain, please accept my apology in case the example was rude to you. I am trying to explain human feelings towards a respectable Symbols in their life.
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