May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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Everyone that is offended here should just ignore this thread and use OcUK forums just as before, all of you that are offended by this thread should just f... o.. and move on with your life just like the rest of us when someone makes fun of Jesus, Buddha or whatever you believe in.
With a response like that, seem's like you're melo. :rolleyes:

i beg to differ
its the lol muslims here that are being melo

why are you people even posting here? it's not gona stop us drawing pictures of a make belief child molester

and to that person maybe spawn maybe you i couldn't give a toss that said if lol muslimz terrorists attacked the west then they wouldn't care because the west deserved it. even the innocent people who didnt draw the made up character will deserve it?

even the people who drew a cartoon will deserve it?
stupid muslims - its not like we're drawing a picture of your mother being ravaged by pigs from a farm

So, was that a success then? I'm confused :confused:

I've tried googling but all the websites are down and practically no images are showing. I take it they won in the end by getting the various hosts/blogs shut down?
i beg to differ
its the lol muslims here that are being melo

why are you people even posting here? it's not gona stop us drawing pictures of a make belief child molester

I don't see any pictures being drawn at the moment, seem's like it's working.

and to that person maybe spawn maybe you i couldn't give a toss that said if lol muslimz terrorists attacked the west then they wouldn't care because the west deserved it. even the innocent people who didnt draw the made up character will deserve it?

Do the innocent people getting killed by the troops in the middle east deserve it?

even the people who drew a cartoon will deserve it?
stupid muslims - its not like we're drawing a picture of your mother being ravaged by pigs from a farm idiots

No you're drawing a picture of a Prophet important to the Muslim people. And not drawing it in a good way.
I don't see any pictures being drawn at the moment, seem's like it's working.

I dont know what calendar you muslimz follow but from my calendar:

'Draw the made up, not real, pretend persion ie. Mohamad day' was May 20th.

Today is the 21st, might want to check with your calendar just to make sure.
I dont know what calendar you muslimz follow but from my calendar:

'Draw the made up, not real, pretend persion ie. Mohamad day' was May 20th.

Today is the 21st, might want to check with your calendar just to make sure.

So you're saying you only had freedom of speech for that one day?

your an idiot. you still dont get the our prophet is important to us, do you...

You don't get it either. We really don't care what your prophet means to you. He is utterly irrelevant to our lives, and as such we see no need to tread on eggshells to appease a bunch of nutters crying over something as trivial as a drawing.
see, told you nobody will answer this

Perhaps because the question was so silly most people decided not to answer it.

1. Terrorists deliberately killing innocents in cowardly attacks designed to spread fear.

2. Troops accidentally killing innocents in attacks designed to kill terrorists.

Don't be surprised if no one answers you when you ask "what's the difference?" It's an absurd question.
You don't get it either. We really don't care what your prophet means to you. He is utterly irrelevant to our lives, and as such we see no need to tread on eggshells to appease a bunch of nutters crying over something as trivial as a drawing.

well said
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