your an idiot. you still dont get the our prophet is important to us, do you...
I'm glad you have something that's important to you. Most of us do...
But the important thing here to remember is, is it right that people lives should be affected just for talking or drawing about a religious figure?
Is it right that if I dare to say or draw something blasphemous against a particular reglious character I should be threatened with death? Is it in anyway right that I should have to be careful of what I draw or say due to other peoples intolerance and the threats they make against my well being?
What we have here is a mass of people sick of having to mind what they say or draw, sick of seeing people who do tread over this supposed line in the sand threatened with violence or worse still attacked or even killed.
What better way to deal with this matter than in mass action. If one person draws something offensive they stand out from the crowd. But if large number of people do this, an individual does not stand out.
Further, it just highlights the ridiculous nature of it all. TV stations backing down due to regilious/cultural intolerance. Internet connectivity being blocked due to religious/cultural intolerance. Applications being removed due to religious/cultural intolerance.
Again, I have no issue with what anyone believes or says. But to allow a radical group to seemingly control what others can say or do, purely by barbaric threats should NOT be rewarded by meeting their demands. It will only encourage of it. I suspect this the motive behind much of what we're witnessing at the moment...