McCanns going too far?

iCraig said:
True, but there's also the possibility her captor was planning on abducting her anyway, and unless her parents kept her under lock and key 24/7, they would have nabbed her at some point.

But it would have been a lot more difficult if the very young children hadn't been left unattended, wouldn't it?
basmic said:
Just a shame their "good parenting" was simply not good enough to the extent that their daughter went missing, and is probably dead.


I hope they do get investigated, and a tribunal or whatever is held. What they did was ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if the family were targetted for the very reason that they were constantly away from the room, leaving the children alone all the time.
They may have paid a terrible price, but an example needs to be made.
I think they now need to realise they have raised awareness as much as they can and try to build a life with the kids they still have.

I know it must be a hard call to make but surely they are important now and spending and building some sort of normal life with them is what matters??
dannyjo22 said:
I think they now need to realise they have raised awareness as much as they can and try to build a life with the kids they still have.

I know it must be a hard call to make but surely they are important now and spending and building some sort of normal life with them is what matters??

I don't think anybody here knows what it's like to lose a child, especially if deep down you feel guilty over it. I think them, and only them, know when it's the right time to return home and effectively call off the search.
But they will effectivly ruining the life of the other 2 children and the constant flying around the world and spending money will no doubt have a big effect on the relationship.

Every action has a reaction and its time for the parents to see that and at least go back home for the other 2 children's sake.
Madeleine ribbons to be cleared

Gerry McCann visited the memorial in May
Hundreds of ribbons put up to show support for Madeleine McCann in her home village are to be taken down.

Villagers tied yellow strips to the Cross Green war memorial in Rothley, Leicestershire, which became the focus for vigils praying for her safe return.
I think Maddy will become a global symbol in the fight against paedo's. Assuming she's found dead, which is looking increasingly likely every day though never certain without a body.
Dunno from my perspective - If I had a child and I lost them, whether it be from neglect or poor decisions, I'd do everything within my power to get her back. To be honest I couldn't care a less whether some random on a Forum was getting sick of the publicity.

Really guys at what stage do you feel that you have a high enough horse to pass judgement on some parents trying to get their child back.

Very Very Very poor form lads.
iCraig said:
How can she when the abductor has not been confirmed as a paedophile? :confused:

Thats what we need to confirm. I'm just going off probabilities at the moment, and the probability that she's been snatched by a paedo is a good deal greater than the probabilities for anything else.
scorza said:
Thats what we need to confirm. I'm just going off probabilities at the moment, and the probability that she's been snatched by a paedo is a good deal greater than the probabilities for anything else.

I thought child trafficking statistics were fairly scary. Why is Madeleine more likely to of been abducted for paedophile use, rather than to be sold on the child market? If I remember previous articles correctly, it's one of the things the police were stating has probably occurred. Other articles have said Madeleine has most likely been abducted by a well known abductor operating under the pseudo-name: The French Man, who was apparently in Portugal at the time of the abduction. Apparently he lies low with the abducted child until the media storm and search campaigns blow over, and then sells the child to a desperate family for a lot of money.
SteveOBHave said:
To be honest I couldn't care a less whether some random on a Forum was getting sick of the publicity.

Its not just this forum that has started to question the whole incident.

Really guys at what stage do you feel that you have a high enough horse to pass judgement on some parents trying to get their child back.

Very Very Very poor form lads.

Would they have to be trying to get her back if they hadn't gone out with their mates for a meal while they left 3 children, 3 and under, un supervised, alone and out of site?
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