McCanns going too far?

SteveOBHave said:
Really guys at what stage do you feel that you have a high enough horse to pass judgement on some parents trying to get their child back.

That's not what it's about. It's about posters in shop windows. It's about seeing it in the news every day. In the papers every day. It's about going to the cinema and seeing trailers about it. It's about the McCann's thinking about releasing a single. It's about rock stars thinking about doing a World Maddy Day. It's about being made to feel guilty about not looking for this girl. It's about being made to feel guilty for not caring when it's being forced down our throats.

If they don't give a crap about people on forums, fine. I don't give a crap about this anymore.

SteveOBHave said:
Very Very Very poor form lads.

I'm sick of hearing about it, and I don't think I'm alone in that.
iCraig said:
I thought child trafficking statistics were fairly scary. Why is Madeleine more likely to of been abducted for paedophile use, rather than to be sold on the child market? If I remember previous articles correctly, it's one of the things the police were stating has probably occurred. Other articles have said Madeleine has most likely been abducted by a well known abductor operating under the pseudo-name: The French Man, who was apparently in Portugal at the time of the abduction. Apparently he lies low with the abducted child until the media storm and search campaigns blow over, and then sells the child to a desperate family for a lot of money.

If she has been taken to be sold on then all this publicity from the McCanns could backfire on them as nobody will want to take the risk in buying a child with such publicity being associated with her.
Slinwagh said:
Would they have to be trying to get her back if they hadn't gone out with their mates for a meal while they left 3 children, 3 and under, un supervised, alone and out of site?

I'm not desputing that point. I think it is poor form to deny them their right to attempt to get their child back. That they were negligent and provided the opening for their child to get taken is a moot point.

I understand that you may have had a guts full of hearing about it but again, what right do you have to deny them their right to try to get their daughter back. They were idiots and will pay the price for the rest of their lives but I'll be dammned if I will begrudge them their chance to get her back.
Deluxe1 said:
If she has been taken to be sold on then all this publicity from the McCanns could backfire on them as nobody will want to take the risk in buying a child with such publicity being associated with her.

Like I said, they wait for it to blow over.

Plus, I doubt she'd be sold to a family in Portugal. Probably a country thousands of miles away that have had little to no Madeleine coverage.

If she's walking around town with her new illegal guardians in the middle of some Chinese city, nobody will look twice at her. :(
Lysander said:
If they don't give a crap about people on forums, fine. I don't give a crap about this anymore.

And that my friend is part of the reason why that kind of stuff goes on in this society - we're all to ready to turn a blind eye and say "not my problem". I have no moral high ground either and may be equally as complicit in saying nothing or doing nothing but I'm not going to go out of my way to damn these people.
iCraig said:
I thought child trafficking statistics were fairly scary. Why is Madeleine more likely to of been abducted for paedophile use, rather than to be sold on the child market? If I remember previous articles correctly, it's one of the things the police were stating has probably occurred. Other articles have said Madeleine has most likely been abducted by a well known abductor operating under the pseudo-name: The French Man, who was apparently in Portugal at the time of the abduction. Apparently he lies low with the abducted child until the media storm and search campaigns blow over, and then sells the child to a desperate family for a lot of money.

I thought the sinister "French Man" was supposed to be the kidnapper in chief of a worldwide paedo ring. He kidnaps kids, waits for the media fuss to die down then sells to kid to other paedo's across the globe.

I think child trafficking mainly affects Black and Oriental kids. Paedo's prefer whites :(
Something that has just struck me is the "Traveled the world to find her" tack.

If you think about it, they haven't search for her have they in any country, Italy they met the Pope, America to meet the Attorney General etc etc, held a news conference in Germany. How does any of that help find her?
Lysander said:
If they don't give a crap about people on forums, fine. I don't give a crap about this anymore.

I'm sick of hearing about it, and I don't think I'm alone in that.

Well why do you keep coming back to this thread? You've posted in here fourteen times, posted in the other big Madeleine thread ten times, and all of the others several times. You've even started a thread about her. All that from a quick search. If you're sick of hearing about it, why are you so active in the threads about her? :confused:

It's like an atheist who keeps visiting churches in order to let them know he's sick of hearing about God. :p
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Slinwagh said:
Something that has just struck me is the "Traveled the world to find her" tack.

If you think about it, they haven't search for her have they in any country, Italy they met the Pope, America to meet the Attorney General etc etc, held a news conference in Germany. How does any of that help find her?

Their endeavourers get picked up on by the press and exposure is received. Due to them flying to the US, parts of the US would receive increased coverage of Madeleine's search campaign. Whether this is an indirect result of their antics, I don't know, but it isn't a bad thing either way.
iCraig said:
Well why do you keep coming back to this thread? You've posted in here fourteen times, posted in the other big Madeleine thread ten times, and all of the others several times. You've even started a thread about her. All that from a quick search. If you're sick of hearing about it, why are you so active in the threads about her? :confused:

It's funny how the same arguments keep getting recycled on OCUK. I've seen this line used on others before, it's not very productive to the point of the thread.

To answer your point fairly though, I see the 'Maddy' thing as an interesting social and psychological point: one that I can turn on myself as well. The majority of people who react negatively seem not to have kids, while those that think the publicity is good seem to be parents, of course there is some interchange there as well. It's also interesting to see why people think it's bad, why it's good, and why conflict arises out of it. What started as an international outcry over a tragic situation has turned into a splitting of the public into those who still empathise and those who are sick to the back teeth of it. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a school of thought who hoped for the worse as well. I also believe there is a split between those who think they should care - or are being forced to through media grooming - and those that genuinely do.

Why I post in this thread is purely to explore these points since I find the reactions of people fascinating, while of course also being interested in what the factual developments of the story are.
scorza said:
I think Maddy will become a global symbol in the fight against paedo's.
What evidence have you got that she was abducted by paedophiles?

Your attitude is as bad as the countless people that put up "Help Find Maddy" posters or donate money to the ever burgeoning slush fund that her parents have built up.
Deluxe1 said:
The fund is very close to reaching 1 million - £946,843.92

Which is good, in a way. Whatever the verdict on Madeleine after the end of the investigation it's safe to say that lump of cash will go to a deserving charity. It also seems to be growing faster than they can spend it.

Although critics would just love the parents to pocket the cash, I can't see that happening at all.
iCraig said:
Which is good, in a way. Whatever the verdict on Madeleine after the end of the investigation it's safe to say that lump of cash will go to a deserving charity. It also seems to be growing faster than they can spend it.

Although critics would just love the parents to pocket the cash, I can't see that happening at all.

I doubt it`ll go to any other charity but to be spent on their own campaign and pr and expsenses to stay in Portugal.
Deluxe1 said:
I doubt it`ll go to any other charity but to be spent on their own campaign and pr and expsenses to stay in Portugal.

Well their campaign has been ongoing and the fund hasn't been spent yet, it's actually grew quite a lot. If they manage to spend near on a million pounds before the investigation ends, or if is pocketed by them, the media will tear them apart.
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