McCanns going too far?

Alchemy said:
Have the parents been banged up yet?

Sadly no! They are, however, plastered all across the airwaves trying to dig themselves out of the hole of suspicion, "We didn't do it, honest guv!" Load of old rubbish, of course they did it, or at the very least played some part in it.
Azagoth said:
Sadly no! They are, however, plastered all across the airwaves trying to dig themselves out of the hole of suspicion, "We didn't do it, honest guv!" Load of old rubbish, of course they did it, or at the very least played some part in it.

I'm glad someone finally spoke out, now all you need to do is take your evidence to the Portugese police and we can sort this whole mess out...
With that they could adopt a new child and perhaps this time, considering money is involved, they'll take better care of it.

shes not a gfx card or a computer case or something we are talking about a child, thats a extremely insensitive comment.

Whatever has happened I am sure the MCcanns are extremely pleased with the help and support they have been receiving despite their child alone whilst enjoying a late night dinner....something many parents would do despite what they say now...

anyway hope they find the poor little lass...
xirokx said:
Whatever has happened I am sure the MCcanns are extremely pleased with the help and support they have been receiving despite their child alone whilst enjoying a late night dinner

You forgot the free holidays, visit to see the pope and private jets flying them around the world.

And not many parents would leave their kids unattended at that age, regardless of how close they were.

KaHn said:
You forgot the free holidays, visit to see the pope and private jets flying them around the world.

If it's such a horrible thing, surely there's no need to spin it out of context right? ;)

Just say what they've been really doing rather than smearing it. :)
iCraig said:
If it's such a horrible thing, surely there's no need to spin it out of context right? ;)

Just say what they've been really doing rather than smearing it. :)

Trying to mitigate their guilt at being bad parents at the expense of other less bad ones who have given them money?

Does that sound better?
OR they went to the countries she may have passed through or be in to generate exposure and publicity.

Something you obviously wouldn't do if it was your daughter missing somewhere in Europe though? :p
Azagoth said:
So, do you reckon she could've have been snatched by a Priest who resides at the Vatican?

Are you saying there's no chance that she could be in Italy, or have been in Italy?

What would be the best way to get notice of the Italian people about their plight... talking to.... somebody.... influential.... perhaps?
I did support what the McCanns do. However I think they should be operating out of England. They still have kids that need looking after and they shouldn't forget that. What is happening with there kids?
AcidHell2 said:
I did support what the McCanns do. However I think they should be operating out of England. They still have kids that need looking after and they shouldn't forget that. What is happening with there kids?

Ideally yes, but I don't think I would be able to go home at such a critical part of the investigation. DNA tests here and there etc.

AFAIK the children have been looked after by the parents, their friends and the local crèche.
iCraig said:
Ideally yes, but I don't think I would be able to go home at such a critical part of the investigation. DNA tests here and there etc.

AFAIK the children have been looked after by the parents, their friends and the local crèche.

It can't be good for there remaining children. They don't need to be in Portugal. There are police liaison and telephones in England. It's only a short plane hop away as well.
AcidHell2 said:
I did support what the McCanns do. However I think they should be operating out of England. They still have kids that need looking after and they shouldn't forget that. What is happening with there kids?

Probably put in a safe hotel somewhere :p
AcidHell2 said:
It can't be good for there remaining children. They don't need to be in Portugal. There are police liaison and telephones in England. It's only a short plane hop away as well.

I agree, it's less practical for them to remain in Portugal now, but like I said, it has got to be very difficult emotionally to leave a country when they swore to themselves and everybody else that they wouldn't leave without knowing what happened to their daughter.
iCraig said:
I agree, it's less practical for them to remain in Portugal now, but like I said, it has got to be very difficult emotionally to leave a country when they swore to themselves and everybody else that they wouldn't leave without knowing what happened to their daughter.

But what they going to do stay there for ever?

I suppose they are only 2, so it wont interept schooling and stuff for a few more years.
AcidHell2 said:
But what they going to do stay there for ever?

I think the next week or so is very important. The DNA result on the supposed blood in the apartment is crucial to where the investigation is going to lead next.

The police will be the first to advise them when they've done pretty much all they can and if they should retire to their home country until any further developments, but with the case having quite a few developments recently, they probably want the Mcanns within easy reach for the time being anyway.
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