McCanns going too far?

No disrespect intended to any parents here, I'm sure you're all doing what you think is right, and hell, in this day and age - it probably is. However there was a report recently into the damage we are doing to our children by overprotecting them. Kids need protection, but they also need to be allowed to develop their own sense of independence.

I think its a real shame that this generation of children won't be allowed to go off and play amongst themselves like I was able to with my mates. Yes we got into mischief and yes sometimes we got hurt, but its all part of growing up imo.

Althou yes a sad state of afiars but i would not let my littleones outa my sight untill there at lest 10 and leave them on there own never

my mum and dad did that when i was 18 for a whole weekend they came back to find me clearing up after a party i had lol
I'm curious as to how much hair is 'so much hair' as to be impossible to have transferred off of toys and blankets? Logically, if the McCanns had transferred her dead body from one place to another in the car and there were huge piles of hair lying around they wouldn't have just left it there. Equally, if it's a small amount then transfer off of a well used blanket or toy would seem likely.
Yes but people are saying how they don't let their 11 year olds out of their sight now.
I presume this post is aimed at myself (although my son is 10, not 11).

I didn't say that I don't let my son out of my sight - however I did say that I wouldn't contemplate doing what the McCanns did, i.e. leaving children alone in an apartment in a foreign country, whilst the missus and I went to eat and drink in a restaurant in a different building.

Hopefully that's cleared things up for you. If you're still unsure of the point I'm conveying, please post back and I'll explain it in simpler terms for you.
What's worse than having Michael Jackson babysit your children?


The McCanns taking them on holiday.
As I said they went to far, but no it is similar. there's a point where the distance becomes to far. I maintain you can't watch them 24/7.

A bit far? There was a photo that showed the distance and it was QUITE far.

I take it I don't have to remind you they were in a foreign country.
What's worse than having Michael Jackson babysit your children?


The McCanns taking them on holiday.

A bit far? There was a photo that showed the distance and it was QUITE far.

I take it I don't have to remind you they were in a foreign country.

harsh but i lol'ed

I better get ready for Satan :(

Judge Asked For Emergency Order

Updated: 22:54, Tuesday September 11, 2007
The public prosecutor in Portugal is reported to have asked the judge in the Madeleine McCann case to make an emergency order allowing him to seize a mystery object.


"In the next 10 days the McCanns could find out if they are to be brought back here to be charged with Madeleine's death."

I don't understand how they could possibly charge them with being responsible for Madeleine's death, without a body !!
"In the next 10 days the McCanns could find out if they are to be brought back here to be charged with Madeleine's death."

I don't understand how they could possibly charge them with being responsible for Madeleine's death, without a body !!

I don't understand how they managed to get a body into their hire car 5 weeks after she went missing at the height of the media circus when every single move they made was being filmed. It really doesn't make sense and just seems so improbable. Good job they knew Portugal well enough to know the perfect spot to dump a body too.
La Policia are completely inexperienced. The never told us anything because they never knew anything. They never even bothered to carry out a proper forensic analyisis of the crime scene from day one.

Blood in the rent car 5 weeks after her disappearance? Yeah right.

There's still a lot of corruption in the Portugese legal system. I wouldn't put it past them to lable this on the McCanns.

There is one thing the McCanns are guilty of.. leaving 3 babies unsupervised in an unlocked apartment. Idiots.
Scorza said:
No disrespect intended to any parents here, I'm sure you're all doing what you think is right, and hell, in this day and age - it probably is. However there was a report recently into the damage we are doing to our children by overprotecting them. Kids need protection, but they also need to be allowed to develop their own sense of independence.

Again your idiocy shines through.

Yes, I agree that ALL children should be able to gain some independence, but at 4 years old, Children are just children, vunerable and easily swayed. Yes there should be some independence but the kind that is done WITH the parents or at school, if you honestly think that any one decent parent on this planet can 'over protect' their most precious thing in life, you are sorely in need of a reality check. I've lost count the ammount stories we've had like Maddies, Peados obducting children from their own homes and using them as meat in their sick gratification. People like that need serious help, and children need protecting from such filth.

There is no such thing as overprotection in the eye of ANY parent.
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