McCanns going too far?

So you're not allowed in the garden when your kids are asleep, or to talk to your neighbours in the street etc?

Unless they killed her themselves then they are not to blame to any degree. The only blame is to the abductor.

If it was a minutes walk from one end of my garden to the other I would not go to the far end when the kids are in bed. Also, most kids rooms over look the garden, hell if I go into back garden when the kids are in bed I lock the front door, even though wher I live is considered reasonably quiet.
Stating what I feel is obvious, "doesn't the fact that something happened while they were out (whatever they were doing), indicate that it is not ok to leave your children, no matter what?"
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I think you would be in the minority there. Our daughter will be 4 in February and there is no way we would leave her for 30 minutes and do what the McCann's did.
Mate, my son is 10 and yet I still wouldn't contemplate doing what the McCann's did... I'm guessing you'll still feel the same way too when your daughter is the age of my son.
Mate, my son is 10 and yet I still wouldn't contemplate doing what the McCann's did... I'm guessing you'll still feel the same way too when your daughter is the age of my son.
Indeed, and this is at home, where you know people/neighbours. I find it terrifying to even think about leaving my lot in a foreign country where I wouldnt effectively know anyone.
Stating what I feel is obvious, "doesn't the fact that something happened while they were out (whatever they were doing), indicate that it is not ok to leave your children, no matter what?"

they went a bit far, but I don't agree with your statement. You can't watch them 24/7. technically the parent of the girl who went missing from her bath, was in the next room and so left the child alone.
Now this is what our media should be publishing not the crap ive had to read for the past 3 months.

Madeleine, where have you gone?

MISPLACED sympathy is a common symptom of those afflicted with bleeding-heart syndrome.

These poor folk will defend the indefensible, make excuses where none exist and generally forgive any behaviour no matter how abhorrent and irresponsible.
They are out in force again, lining up to support Kate and Gerry McCann, who are now considered suspects by the Portuguese police in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine.

Leading the charge in Australia are those quick to connect the case with that of Lindy Chamberlain, despite the circumstances being world's apart in just about every way.

In the UK, the McCanns, who by their own admission repeatedly left their young children all alone while they ate and drank with friends, have been practically sanctified.

Whether the McCanns are responsible for Madeleine's disappearance is for the Portuguese police and judiciary to determine, but from what we already know they should be charged with neglect for leaving a four-year-old girl and twin two-year-olds alone and unprotected in a hotel room for up to 30 minutes at a time.
Any decent parent can tell you a lot can go terribly wrong in that time, even without an intruder.
Now there is some dispute about whether the kids were checked on at all during the dinner the McCanns were enjoying at a nearby tapas bar.

Some members of the McCann party, who also left their kids alone in their rooms, said they "checked" on the children.
But only by listening at the door to see if any were crying.
Unfortunately, children that have already been abducted tend not to be heard.
The McCanns maintain they left the children to fend for themselves because they did not want strangers looking after them.

This excuse was exposed for all its absurdity when it was revealed they had been using the hotel's child-care program on every day of their stay in Portugal.
Which begs the question: why take the kids on a holiday with you if you have no intention of spending any time with them?

Across Europe, many children go missing everyday but no case has received the amount of coverage the McCann disappearance has generated.

Yet, despite every micro detail of the events leading up to the disappearance being scrutinised, there has been virtually no critical analysis of how two wealthy, well-educated parents could be so reckless as to leave their children alone in a foreign country.

Instead, the bleeding hearts would have us believe many parents regularly do this without any such consequences.
I'm sorry, did I miss something?
Since when have parents been leaving four-year-olds alone?

If the McCanns were a couple of simpletons who'd left three kids on their own so they could go down to the pub for a pot-and-parma, the press would've shredded them for their selfish conduct and demanded the twins be removed from their care.
But the McCanns have somehow escaped any real scrutiny from the media and the public at large.

This may be largely due to the formidable PR machine they have in place. They have recruited everyone from David Beckham to the Pope to pray and plead for Madeleine's safe return.

One can only wish they showed a fraction of this devotion to their children before their daughter's disappearance.

In the coming months, we are likely to learn more about what really happened on May 3 in that idyllic little corner of Portugal, which will forever be linked to a beautiful little girl with the haunting, blue-green eyes.

Whether Madeleine was abducted by a stranger or is a victim of filicide or accidental death is a long way from being determined, but what we can say safely is that her fate was sealed by her parent's gross negligence on that tragic night.,21985,22402077-5000117,00.html
No disrespect intended to any parents here, I'm sure you're all doing what you think is right, and hell, in this day and age - it probably is. However there was a report recently into the damage we are doing to our children by overprotecting them. Kids need protection, but they also need to be allowed to develop their own sense of independence.

I think its a real shame that this generation of children won't be allowed to go off and play amongst themselves like I was able to with my mates. Yes we got into mischief and yes sometimes we got hurt, but its all part of growing up imo.
they went a bit far, but I don't agree with your statement. You can't watch them 24/7. technically the parent of the girl who went missing from her bath, was in the next room and so left the child alone.

The girl who got kidnapped from the bath, their is a much higher chance of her mum/dad hearing something and having a look but if your like in another building their is just no chance. :)

Scorza you have no case what so ever im afraid about this was no fault of the McCanns. I would hate you to be your son if you would leave me on my own in the house while your off down the road in a nice restaurant enjoying your meal.

No disrespect intended to any parents here, I'm sure you're all doing what you think is right, and hell, in this day and age - it probably is. However there was a report recently into the damage we are doing to our children by overprotecting them. Kids need protection, but they also need to be allowed to develop their own sense of independence.

What at 4 years old? Yeah right.
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No disrespect intended to any parents here, I'm sure you're all doing what you think is right, and hell, in this day and age - it probably is. However there was a report recently into the damage we are doing to our children by overprotecting them. Kids need protection, but they also need to be allowed to develop their own sense of independence.

I think its a real shame that this generation of children won't be allowed to go off and play amongst themselves like I was able to with my mates. Yes we got into mischief and yes sometimes we got hurt, but its all part of growing up imo.

Can you not see the difference between letting half a dozen 8yr olds play together in the street and leaving three kids with the eldest being 4 alone in the house?

Acidhell; I dont claim that it is possible to watch children 24/7, but you endeavour to do so, there is no similarity since in your own home you expect your kids to be safe from outsiders while you are there
Acidhell; I dont claim that it is possible to watch children 24/7, but you endeavour to do so, there is no similarity since in your own home you expect your kids to be safe from outsiders while you are there
"indicate that it is not ok to leave your children, no matter what?""
Which I said was wrong and you appear to agree with me.
"indicate that it is not ok to leave your children, no matter what?""
Which I said was wrong and you appear to agree with me.
In the context of leaving them at home/in the appartment, which is the root of the arguement in this case, it is never ok to leave your kids alone, I can't imagine anyone who actually has kids saying otherwise.
I do not let my younger kids play outside of the garden at 5 and 8 yrs old. My older two are allowed out with friends, have to be in before it is dark, always have to let me know where they are/are going and have only been able to do so since they were 11/12 yrs old.

Scorza, at 11ish you have no choice but you still try to know whats going on.
This is crazy. Have you seen the front page of the Sky news site? Along the left side they a navigation bar with the following links:

Apparently news about this is as important as the entire rest of the world....

Been there since May, shortly after she disappeared. Murdoch's press is making a lot of money out of this event, so it's hardly surprising that they have the story in a prominent position.
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