McCanns going too far?

This is intresting

Dont know whether you guys are already aware but here is some of the points being layed before the prosecutors in portugal.....Firstly when Madeleine first went missing beofre Kate rang the police she rang.....SKY NEWS!!!! yes sky news, she spent thirty mins on the phone to them, hence the delay in calling the police which was done 40 mins later!!!
And this is the real curious one, The lady who said she seen Madeliene in a garage in Morrocco, which switched attention to there and was given great credence is a lady who the same village as the McCanns!!!! she said she knew nothing of the abduction till arriving home........Her husband is a friend of.........GERRY's BROTHER!!!!
The emails intercepted and phone calls.........TO Jane Tanner and Dr. O'Brien alledgedly discussing alibi and what to say regarding statements!!!!
Police from Portugal will bve in Britain by end of week.
Expect some suprises guys, this is about to blow wide open.
This is intresting

Did you cut out the 'Send this to 10 people in 50 seconds or die bit'?

On a serious note, with the portugese law n' all, is this still a missing persons case?

Is it plasuable that it went from missing persons to a murder case hence the switch in attention by the Portugese police? Afterall they don't reveal evidence till the trial and I've heard on the news of it no longer being reffered to as a missing persons? And the girl could have been found and identifed by DNA?
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apparently the 20/20 match didn't come from the boot, but from a window sill, this car was also used to transport all of maddies stuff from the hotel to the apartment. There going to have problems proving anything just with the dna, it could easily be cross contamination.
Sky are now reporting it was bodily fluids rather than blood in the boot - and there was shed loads of Maddy's hair in the boot :( Not looking good for the McCann's but this could well be more BS from Sky.
Sky are now reporting it was bodily fluids rather than blood in the boot - and there was shed loads of Maddy's hair in the boot :( Not looking good for the McCann's but this could well be more BS from Sky.
Who cares if it's good for them? They are probably the ones who murdered her.
Bodily fluids - not blood - matching Madeleine McCann's DNA have been found in the car hired by her parents, according to sources.

The sample was taken from the boot, where the spare tyre is kept.

Now why would Madeline be in the part of the boot where you normally keep a spare tyre? you know....underneath the boot carpet, hidden away nicely...?
Are they saying that, or are they saying that the boot is where the spare tyre is kept? Who knows with Sky :confused:

Its a hire car, the spare wheel will be below the carpet. People don't want to hire a car, then when they go to put their suitcases in the boot, find a sodding great dirty type filling half the space, that clunks about when you drive along. :)
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