McCanns going too far?

if you honestly think that any one decent parent on this planet can 'over protect' their most precious thing in life, you are sorely in need of a reality check.

Just because there are dangers out there does not mean that we wrap our children up in bubble wrap and never let them out of the house cowering in fear. Surprisingly that does not develop good social skills and limits their independance.

Just because there are dangers out there does not mean that we wrap our children up in bubble wrap and never let them out of the house cowering in fear. Surprisingly that does not develop good social skills and limits their independance.

Thats not over-protection, thats paranoia, there is a distinct difference.
I don't understand how they managed to get a body into their hire car 5 weeks after she went missing at the height of the media circus when every single move they made was being filmed. It really doesn't make sense and just seems so improbable. Good job they knew Portugal well enough to know the perfect spot to dump a body too.
Perhaps that's why they created the media furore?
"In the next 10 days the McCanns could find out if they are to be brought back here to be charged with Madeleine's death."

I don't understand how they could possibly charge them with being responsible for Madeleine's death, without a body !!

It depends what kind of evidence they're not telling us about.

The mystery object could be a head in a jar. But I very much doubt it.
yep, will be fantastic to watch all those 'The McCanns are my heroes' be shut up when they finally get done for killing their kid

was always obvious from day one that they had some involvement, accidental or deliberate.

my opinion of course :D
aye, I mean what would you do if:

You were away on holiday with 3 kids and you accidentally killed one of them (the other kids were too young to know what was going on)

You can hardly return home without one of the kids it would be terribly suspicious, they probably pretended the kid was abducted and all the time were thinking of ways to dispose of the body,
Accidental or deliberate is ways away from actually killing her.

They were desperately irresponsible parents, but we don't yet know a) if she's dead, or b) who killed her if she is dead.

So many part time Sun journalists on here.
The latest on the "mystery object".....

"The prosecution has asked the judge for an emergency order to give them permission to go and seize it."

Under Portuguese law, a judge's permission would only be needed if the object is in a place "normally off-limits to police", said Sky News' Andrew Wilson.

This could include a church or other place of worship, or a solicitor's office.


Police are planning new searches in Praia da Luz, where Madeleine went missing, including digging around the village church of Nossa Senhora da Luz, according to Portuguese newspapers.

It is known Kate and Gerry McCann, both 39-year-old doctors, were given a key to the church so they could go and pray for their daughter any time they wanted.
The McCanns insist the hair in the car must have brushed off belongings. But a police source said it had to come directly from the body. The source said: “There was so much hair it could not be from DNA transference, but from the body being in the boot.

Toxicology reports on the strands — which could show if the four-year-old had been given any medication — have also been described by sources as “significant”.

The bodily fluids were found in the boot, under the carpet in the spare wheel space.

Another sample of DNA was found underneath a seat. Blood has also been discovered from floor coverings in the family’s holiday apartment under the sofa and on a window sill — both showing a strong genetic match to Madeleine.

Another source claimed: “This is pretty damning stuff, it does not look good.”,,2005320001-2007420480,00.html
I wonder if they ATE HER>!>!>!>!

i'm going to say yes :P

But seriously, leaving their kids alone some distance away while they went out to eat is terrible, they can hardly expect peoples sympathy when they can't even leave their kids in the care of someone or bring them with them,

I've said it from the start but I don't see how this abduction should be so special compared to all the others that happen,
aye, I mean what would you do if:

You were away on holiday with 3 kids and you accidentally killed one of them (the other kids were too young to know what was going on)

You can hardly return home without one of the kids it would be terribly suspicious, they probably pretended the kid was abducted and all the time were thinking of ways to dispose of the body,
And it just snowballed...
New York’s Daily News reported on Saturday: Mommy Is The Suspect — Stunning Twist As Police Link Parents To Death Of Missing Vacation Tot

Columnist Andrea Peyser of the New York Post asked: “What took so long?”

She wrote: “What parent with functioning brain cells leaves toddlers alone?”

Ooooh burn!
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