McCanns going too far?

3 Oct 2006
don't usually quote myself but has anyone seen todays headlines??

yes, and I don't like the fact it's taken so long for the police to dream it up and find all the evidence, it's just too fishy, i think they are at fualt, but i don't think they will end up convicted for the right reasons.

hair however cannot lie, so i'm glad they have concrete evidence of something at last. also it would be all to easy for jerry or kate to pinch a few boxes from work, at last, things start to add up, it could also explain blood splatters in the appartment, perhaps she began to cough up blood?
16 Jul 2007
Stoke on Trent
I honestly think that the mother innocently gave her some sedative so that they could go out that evening. Maybe Madeline was a bit hyper that evening and didnt want to sleep. When they went back to the hotel room and found out that she had OD'd they panicked and come up with the whole story in about 30min. With her being a doctor, they might of thought that they wouldnt be able to say it was an accident, because the judge could argue that she knew that children shouldn't be taking such a drug and that she knew exactly what the risks were.
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9 May 2005
I honestly think that the mother innocently gave her some sedative so that they could go out that evening. Maybe Madeline was a bit hyper that evening and didnt want to sleep. When they went back to the hotel room and found out that she had OD'd they panicked and come up with the whole story in about 30min. With her being a doctor, they might of thought that they wouldnt be able to say it was an accident, because the judge could argue that she knew that children shouldn't be taking such a drug and that she knew exactly what the risks were.

I honestly dont know what to make of the whole thing now. I believe that even if it happened as you have said, the calmness how they have carried themselves in the last few months would make them about the most evil and calculating people I've ever seen or read about.
2 Feb 2007

"the calmness how they have carried themselves in the last few months "

the best PR in UK, they hired since May 4,( in the next day of the little girl disapearence)make that for them :D
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15 Nov 2006
Oh great they are launching a new ad campaign to 'remind' people she's still missing. (£80,000 from the fund)

We get it, your daughters missing, you're bad parents...etc

It's getting old now, no wait it's past old.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Oh great they are launching a new ad campaign to 'remind' people she's still missing. (£80,000 from the fund)

We get it, your daughters missing.

It's getting old now, no wait it's past old.

and they want to find here, it's one of the few things they can do, get of there back. Why does it make you so angry. Who cares if it costs 1million. People donated that money to them, for this purpose,
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Nothing is special about this kid, in this case it's actually their fault too. Kids who are just abducted due to no fault of the parents have never gotten as much support.
That's because the parents have never seeked such support.
Some parents will sit in the foetal position and stay like that, others will do what ever they can to get there child back. The Mccanns fall into the latter.
Yes they messed up, but it is ultimately not there fault(assuming she was abducted). She could have still been taken if they stayed with her.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Hardly, they went to the police and for some reason everyone felt extra sorry for them and started bending over backwards.
:rolleyes:, so they didn't go to the media, as they didn't think the police where doing there job. They took over an hour to get to them, they didn't start doing forensics for several days. They where a bunch of inept cops. Which the Mccanns weren't happy about and so got of there backsides and seeked help through the media. How can you say everyone just felt sorry for them. How would we even know about it, if the mccanns didn't do what they have done.
14 Jul 2005
Portishead, Bristol
I've had enough of them.

1st What kinda person leaves there kids. Adfmitly parents are way too over protective these days but i have heared once out the UK there 2 relaxed.

2nd Apprantly she self over medicated her daughter. How they know this then? They find the kid or find it in her blood?

3rd Apartment was rented out way too many times after it happend

4th The way there going about things is wrong

5th Family is all in on it

6th Shoot them and get it off the Tv and radio

Im sorry im sick of this on TV. There own fault for leaving the kid. it dies or goes missing there fault and they have learnt the hard way and tough. They do not ever ever ever deserve to have kids and if id seen ether i would salp them silly for doing what they have.

However if it was my kid i would be out there getting all the help i can but totaly differnt to how they have.

You know Little Britan where that girl is in hospital and her fokes get all the famous people to see her yet she doesn't even like them and its the fokes that do. Bit like that with what the McCanns are doing
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
2nd Apprantly she self over medicated her daughter. How they know this then? They find the kid or find it in her blood?
Nothing more than speculation at this time, from an unknown source
3rd Apartment was rented out way too many times after it happend
Hows that the mccanns fault? taht's the police
4th The way there going about things is wrong
Why? the police have messed up from dayone, the media was and is the best way of finding her.
5th Family is all in on it
Nothing more than speculation from an un-confirmed source
6th Shoot them and get it off the Tv and radio
Far to harsh.
However if it was my kid i would be out there getting all the help i can but totaly differnt to how they have.
How owuld you do that then, foreign country, police are idiots. Come up with another idea?
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