McCanns going too far?

26 Dec 2003
£80k to make a video to be shown around europe, sorry but everybody knows about her after she went missing, what is another video going to do?

Make all the mugs think they didn't acccidently kill her, they couldn't possibly have done if they are still looking for her. :)

Even if the parents version of events are true they are wasting their time she'll either be dead (too hot property due to the eye condition they so cleverly pointed out) or locked in some perverts basement for the next 20yrs, hopefully in future they'll be more responsible parents.
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15 Sep 2006
Somewhere in York
A PORTUGUESE judge will decide if the parents of missing Madeleine McCann should face charges over their daughter's disappearance.

Detectives handed papers outlining their case against Gerry and Kate McCann to the Algarve-based prosecutor, Jose Cunha de Magalhaes e Meneses, for him to decide whether to bring charges.

He decided they should go before an instructional judge.

A Portuguese lawyer said this might mean that the prosecutor wanted to impose stricter bail conditions or to carry out fresh searches or more interviews.

It is also possible that he is recommending charges, although this would be unusual, Artur Rego said.

“It wouldn’t be normal unless he had already prepared the case,” Mr Rego said.

The judge has 10 days to decide whether to agree to the prosecutor’s request.

The McCanns, both 39, deny any involvement in the disappearance of their four-year-old daughter from a holiday resort in May.

The move came after it was revealed that bodily fluids found in the car hired by Gerry and Kate is a perfect DNA match to Madeleine.

The Forensic Science Service in Birmingham matched 20 out of 20 genetic markers to a sample from the boot.
12 Sep 2007
I'm going to register ;)

It just does not make any sense that they'd go to all this effort to find Maddy if they killed her themselves! The supposed damning DNA samples probably would never have been found if it wasn't for all the pressure put on the Portuguese police by the media campaign.

Luckily we have already thought of that, how dare you ridicule the McCann family. :mad:

I cannot say too much about this due to the sensitive nature of this case and the upcoming announcement within two weeks but we are the official site for freeing Kate and Gerry McCann.

If you would like to help out in the event of the McCanns arrests please email [email protected]

Please allow us time to respond as the amount of support we have received is utterly overwhelming.

Please make any donations to the official website for Madeleine:
15 Nov 2006
If they do end up being the killers it's going to be utterly hilarious seeing the responses of the public. (Donators, Newspapers, Richard Branson...etc)
25 Jul 2006
Luckily we have already thought of that, how dare you ridicule the McCann family. :mad:

I cannot say too much about this due to the sensitive nature of this case and the upcoming announcement within two weeks but we are the official site for freeing Kate and Gerry McCann.

If you would like to help out in the event of the McCanns arrests please email [email protected]

Please allow us time to respond as the amount of support we have received is utterly overwhelming.

Please make any donations to the official website for Madeleine:

Hahaha, awesome.

Good luck with that. If they get arrested, I can't see many people wanting them to be freed.
12 Sep 2007
Hahaha, awesome.

Good luck with that. If they get arrested, I can't see many people wanting them to be freed.

As I have said before I cannot say anything about the ongoing investigation at the moment but when they get arrested within the next two weeks we will be fighting hard for the family.

There is a lot of hysterical media reporting going on at the moment. The media make a new story up every day and we are here to fight for the McCanns.

There is no way that Kate or Gerry would ever harm little Madeleine.

So, we arent entitled to our own thoughts on the subject?

Of course you are, everyone is.
25 Jul 2006
As I have said before I cannot say anything about the ongoing investigation at the moment but when they get arrested within the next two weeks we will be fighting hard for the family.

There is a lot of hysterical media reporting going on at the moment. The media make a new story up every day and we are here to fight for the McCanns.

There is no way that Kate or Gerry would ever harm little Madeleine.

Of course you are, everyone is.

You should ask Richard Branson for some hosting then you can get rid of the Google Ads and make it seem abit more "official".
22 Jun 2006
Why do that. We have our own dedicated servers.

Rich is only helping the fund to find Maddy, we're supporting Kate after she gets arrested.
See, now we know that you're just some attention seeking internet whore.

Branson's spokeswoman has confirmed that he's coughing-up £100K for Team McCann's legal fees, not for the fund to find the girl.

Surely if you were in any way involved with the family and weren't just some random loser on the internet you'd know about that.
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