McCanns going too far?

Why didn't they hire them when the donations started rolling in instead of jetting off on a jolly around Europe?

Maybe they thought that between themselves and the Portuguese police they were the best option for looking for Maddy. Now they've been forced out of Portugal by a smear campaign and hate mobs they have to re-evaluate their options.
"The desperate couple — appalled at blunders by cops in Portugal — hired troubleshooters Control Risks soon after Maddie vanished there in May."

yes, control the risk of we going to jail because of the death of our daughter:D
If they're carrying things in wheelbarrows they're probably walking a fair way, so it's not that suspect to expect a young child to walk that far. Also, the pic isn't particularly high resolution. That could be any blonde child, much like all the other supposed sitings of her all over europe over the past few months.
You get light-skinned, blonde haired/blue eyed folk among the Berber people of North Africa. They make up a decent chunk of the populations of Morocco and Algeria.
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