Mcdonalds - I was lovin' it

Regarding DDs. Sometimes you can (if given about 7 days notice) change the DD date and it'll just push the payment back. Also you can cancel DDs at your bank same day. Most places that collect payment through DD will allow about 7-days before taking any action.
I suppose for a significant number of vegetarians they are more aware of their diets due to choosing not to eat meat and because of the attention they pay to it may have slightly healthier diets but that's really correlation rather than causation.

Absolutely - remember chips are vegetarian too :)

You can't live on chips and believe me I've tried.
Can't beat those double cheeseburgers either when out on the lash, cheap and cheerful and better than most of the food you get from the dreadful takeaways such as a roll of kebab. They saying that apparently they are making a point about the whole fast food industry, yet there's no indication of any other franchise in the video. I do hope the McDs legal machine swallows them whole for not just that but the misinformation they are spreading.
WHAT??!!! There are some things seriously wrong with that advert. First off why do they BLATANTLY single out mcdonalds like all their foods contain poison or something?
Secondly, there is NOTHING dangerous about fast food. Just like ALL other foods excessive consumption is unhealthy. If someone cant control them self and die from fastfood overdose, its their fault. I hope McDonalds sue them so hard, even their grand kids pay for it
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