Mcdonalds - I was lovin' it

If you're ever out and about and suddenly get the urge to take a dump......on the whole mcdonalds toilets are very clean. Not just in England either. Mcdonalds restaurants have regularly cleaned bogs all over the world.

Also their food tastes quite nice.
Fish, Chicken and Pork are very healthy and lean meats. As long as they arent fried they can have a very low fat content. Plus, high biological value Protein found in meats is very important for growing children. If anyone actually doesnt let their children eat meat regularly (about 3 non processed meat based meals per week minimum), then they are stupidly terrible parents.

Yet fat isn't unhealthy, most people when they eat fish, eat oily fish a couple times a week, because you get a good dose of omega 3/6 in them and its very very good for you.

Likewise meat doesn't have anything like the biological value that egg's do, infact they can't compare and whey, vegetarian also, blows both out the water.

Theres entirely nothing wrong with meat, its not even close to the best protein source available, and going for lean meat isn't any healthier than going for fattier meat, you'd die without eating fat, your brain and various other essential things in the body are made up of mostly fat.
God I hate prechy snobbish vegetarians, meat eating does not = bad diet. Burgers and KFC are bad for you yes, but skinned chicken brest or lean pork is just as healthy as vegetarian
I have a McD once every blue moon, but I recon that if I ate even more often I still wouldn't put on weight.. I guess I'm lucky, but I keep myself active when I'm not a sitting about on my ass reading through pages and pages of forum with some tea, doughnuts, pancakes and crisps.
Did they intentionally cast the dead guy, to look like Morgan Spurlock? :D
I'm perfectly fine with people eating this awful excuse for food to go about killing themselves, after all you have to go all out on it (greed/gluttony).

Honestly who worries about the nutrition when the taste and texture are the fundamentally WRONG parts of a McDonalds 'meal'.
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