Me gusta le hypertrophy

What's all these long rests between sets? Shouldn't need more then 90sec for the first couple of weeks, especially with the squats! Can't sit to get started on this routine :(

That powerlifter size time bru.

Afaik you rest as long as you need? I could trim this down slightly probably.

Slept like a baby, dat powerlifter sleep time.

Did pepper my quads/adductors as my left hip was feeling a little phag again, not sure if it's due to squatting recently again after Saturday or from DBSS, probably a bit of both.

Edit: Going to perform the MWOD calf smash on my quads tonight. That's right going to roll my quads with my bodyweight on a barbell and get some flossing action in there too. There will be tears.
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I got some bad nuwz.

Rests should be shorter, you aren't going a high percentage within that rep range.

DBSS aren't set up quite right. Rear foot needs more elevation than front foot, otherwise it's just a deficit split squat. Front foot also needs more elevation, to allow a greater deficit to be dropped into. Also, if you keep your shin more vertical (have your rear foot further back) then you shift more weight onto the posterior chain.
I got some bad nuwz.

Rests should be shorter, you aren't going a high percentage within that rep range.

Dang, 90 seconds more preferable?

DBSS aren't set up quite right. Rear foot needs more elevation than front foot, otherwise it's just a deficit split squat. Front foot also needs more elevation, to allow a greater deficit to be dropped into. Also, if you keep your shin more vertical (have your rear foot further back) then you shift more weight onto the posterior chain.

Rear foot on bench, front foot on phaggot stepper thing is pretty standard.

Don't know why I thought these were DBSS for some reason :confused:, when I know normal BSS use a bench. Will put my front foot on a rack pull block on it's side, probably a good 10-12". Shall try these properly again on Friday.

Are rests for bench alright at about 120 seconds?

Also, state of my quads, lawd have mercy. Rectus Intermedialis/Femoris rip. Quad smash imminent.
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Rest time rule: the shortest (ish) amount of time you could rest without it messing up your form and ability to perform the rest of the work.

This is why it's so variable. 90 seconds sounds about right if you're looking to actually time it.


Skipping/hack squats/dislocations/press ups to warm up.

Bench Press

Bench rests - 90-120s

Bar x lots
60KG x 12
80KG x 6

105KG x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5


Deadlift Rests - 90s

70KG x some
100KG x some
140KG x 2

170KG x 2

Speed Deadlifts

Speed Deadlift Rests - 90s

135KG x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3

Snatch Grip RDL's / BOR's

90's rests

80KG x 8/8, 8/8, 8/8

Good Mornings / Chin Grip Pull Down

50KG x 8/8, x 8/8, x 8/8

  • Ph4GGo7 on the bench press by the time I'd finished warming up. Didn't know why I wouldn't use the other bench (because the catchers are too short and it's on a slope). He wasn't in a hurry to do his sets and with my timed rests I pretty much had my weight on the bar before he'd racked from his set and was shoving him off the bench :D get off your phone ****.
  • Last rep or too looked/felt like a grinder but had plenty more in me
  • Need to focus on being a bit more explosive, seem to forget this when I'm under the bar.
  • Form feels okay but a little inconsistent in places.

  • Deadlifts felt okay, haven't had a chance to watch the video back yet, know that I can get a little tighter.
  • Need to invest in deadlift socks, shins rip.
  • DOH'd, meant to work in some mixed grip but the rests felt quite short by the time I had reset the bar, reset the camera, chalked up and breathed.
  • Speed deads, should probably focus on the speed of the lift rather than the speed between lifts if that makes sense, making sure I'm set correctly etc.
  • Snatch Grip RDL's felt odd on my lower lumbar/sacrum, I hyperextended slightly at somepoint.
  • The weight wasn't challenging but it's a new movement so want to get this right at the risk of injury.
  • BOR's, nothing to report except jooce/pump.
  • Good Mornings, again felt odd as it's a new movement pattern, need to view some tutorials and address these.
  • Very light for the reasons above.
  • CG-PD, jooce/pump especially after all the other work.
  • The 4 assistance exercises should be performed in a circuit with 90s rest between each but I'm not able to hog that many bars, a rack and the pull down so will perform them in pairs.

Feel quite tired (brb, putting milk in the cupboard, brb putting my work trousers on after getting out the shower), eating as I have been during DC though less junk at work and dropped PB&J toast in the evening for the moment but I have a feeling I'm going to be needing to eat more and will probably still trim up as I would like :) 94.3KG this morning.

Dat bod.
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I have no idea what the hell your routine is nor do I plan to understand it anytime soon but seriously packing some immense strength. Jello much.
The shorts have magic powers.

Will post up the layout eventually, but Smolov Jnr and Coan Deadlift Routine are available widely on the internet.

I'm not sure where Smolov Jnr will leave me but I finish (hopefully) on 10 sets x 3 reps @ 130KG. I need to get more lats involved.

Coan I am working towards a 225KG Deadlift but would like as much as possible :cool:
Deadlifts looking fast, personally I would hold at the top just a little longer as your snapping back down the instant you hit lockout, also many here talk about the benefits of a more controlled negative, but slowing it down a faction will add a bit of extra tut so can't be a bad thing. Brave cha taking on a DL program as well as RMSR and smolov jr.
Bench definitely needs to be more explosive. You look like you're lazily turning the reps over, which is more the territory of higher rep work. Strength = speed. Every rep should be max effort and definitively locked out.

You need to lock down your initial hip height on your deads, but that will come with practice. Don't start too low, and don't wander too high as you progress through your work.

As you mentioned, speed here isn't about completing the set as fast as possible, it's about having the fastest and most coordinated rep possible. You need to coordinate your speed from the bottom, rather than snapping at the top. At the moment, you aren't driving enough at the bottom. THIS is where the speed comes from, not snapping your hips through during the mechanically advantageous top portion. If anything, I'd like to see more stiffness and a fully locked out rep at the top, rather than rushing to drop the weight (although this isn't a matter of farming TUT).

In summary, you're currently lifting like a bodybuilder.
Deadlifts looking fast, personally I would hold at the top just a little longer as your snapping back down the instant you hit lockout, also many here talk about the benefits of a more controlled negative, but slowing it down a faction will add a bit of extra tut so can't be a bad thing.

I'd agree as on some reps I was actually pushing the bar back down :eek: will exercise a little more control.

Brave cha taking on a DL program as well as RMSR and smolov jr.

Tell me about it, hopefully nothing will have to give but will pay close attention to what my body is telling me. The first few weeks will probably be the toughest due to both the deadlift & squat volume phases. No pain no gain.

Bench definitely needs to be more explosive. You look like you're lazily turning the reps over, which is more the territory of higher rep work. Strength = speed. Every rep should be max effort and definitively locked out.

Noted, I feel I need to get more lats involved and that I'm benching quite high with my elbows flared. Can hopefully sort both these issues out. Considering widening my grip slightly as I have my ring finger on the ring at the moment but find that (as you can see on the last reps of the last sets) tricep lock out becomes an issue due to my wrist being slightly over my upper arm/in.

You need to lock down your initial hip height on your deads, but that will come with practice. Don't start too low, and don't wander too high as you progress through your work.

I noticed my starting position seems to vary, hopefully with more consistent & regular deadlifting my starting position and movement pattern will become engrained.

As you mentioned, speed here isn't about completing the set as fast as possible, it's about having the fastest and most coordinated rep possible. You need to coordinate your speed from the bottom, rather than snapping at the top. At the moment, you aren't driving enough at the bottom. THIS is where the speed comes from, not snapping your hips through during the mechanically advantageous top portion. If anything, I'd like to see more stiffness and a fully locked out rep at the top, rather than rushing to drop the weight (although this isn't a matter of farming TUT).

In summary, you're currently lifting like a bodybuilder.

Duly noted. Ta. :)
Yeah I think you're right about your bench, there seems to be a bit of a lack of tension, which wouldn't certainly be helped with more lats and a tighter back in general.

Reading it back my previous post sounds real grumpy. Know that if I was there, each comment would be accompanied by a gentle cupping of your glutes.
Yeah I think you're right about your bench, there seems to be a bit of a lack of tension, which wouldn't certainly be helped with more lats and a tighter back in general.

I think because my chest generally isn't tight at all it might be why. Years back I was benching with my middle finger on the rings and getting a much better squeeze from my chest and transition to triceps and as a result a stronger lockout.

If anything my DOMS mostly have been pec minor (entire upper chest) up in to anterior delt. Where as I used to get DOMS all the way in to my sternum region.

Reading it back my previous post sounds real grumpy. Know that if I was there, each comment would be accompanied by a gentle cupping of your glutes.

Lulz, it's not taken to heart. I know, that like me, you are a handsome man and that 8AM on Thursday morning is a trying time.

Any advice or tips for increasing leg drive on the deadlift? my 170's really showed this was lacking, lockout fine, leg drive, pls.
It might just be a case of practice, but core tightness and spine neutrality is particularly important at the bottom. Big drive away with the legs, spreading the floor slightly and keeping weight towards the back of your foot. Have some force go through the rest of your foot though, or you'll turn your quads off.
I think because my chest generally isn't tight at all it might be why. Years back I was benching with my middle finger on the rings and getting a much better squeeze from my chest and transition to triceps and as a result a stronger lockout.

If anything my DOMS mostly have been pec minor (entire upper chest) up in to anterior delt. Where as I used to get DOMS all the way in to my sternum region.

Know this feel. Flat and incline = no pec activation really. Pec tendon and front delt are only DOMs areas really. Decline bench & cable x-over = pec powah! Just so hard to remove your shoulders from the equation.
That's it precisely though I've never got on with decline work. Very much just feeling pec tendon/delt DOMS at the moment.

So it looks like deadlifts raped my brain last night and today.

Thought I had a half day today, turns out it's next Thursday, FML. Working through my lunch break and fasting until I get home at 4PM today then :mad::(:rolleyes:
I do not want those feels.

Poor pec activation and anterior delt loading is generally a form and shoulder/capsule organisation issue. More arch, more scaps back and down.

I feel almost nothing in my front delt.
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