Men are like.....*puts on tin hat*

Lostkat said:
You forgot this


Just as I looked at that, Winamp played a Father Ted sample:


nikebee said:
and yet i bet you still post in "OMG i'm new and a girl1!!" threads ;)

Last time he posted in one iirc he predicted the exact direction the thread would take, post for post, quite accurately too. Made me laugh.

With all the girl threads on here at the moment I will admit the manliness of threads is deteriating. Might make a power tools thread soon.
Kroegen said:
There is one thing women are good for, i need not say what it is :P

Other than that, they are soo irratating at times, and no im not old fashioned.

you know you 'neednt say what it is' because youve probably, by the sounds of it, not experienced it anyway :)
Think before you speak :p women arnt simply 'irritating', its all planned and deliberate...and most people love it! :D
Mickey_D said:
Wife's reply :


Oddly enough, Kelleeeeee_439i6597239659 (?) said "And that's why you're still single..." to me the first time she met me.

I'm very happily in love with the most beautiful woman imaginable. We've been together for four years and have been living together for about 15 months. I worship the ground she walks on.

I pwn.

And on another point; it always amuses me when women make jokes similar to the one in the OP and go 'OMGLOLLERCOASTERMENARETEHSUCK!!!' But roll out the indignation and cries of chauvinism/misogyny as soon as a man makes a similar joke about a woman.

Grow up, get over yourself, stop the hypocrisy, get back in the kitchen and make me a cup of tea.

penski said:
And on another point; it always amuses me when women make jokes similar to the one in the OP and go 'OMGLOLLERCOASTERMENARETEHSUCK!!!' But roll out the indignation and cries of chauvinism/misogyny as soon as a man makes a similar joke about a woman.

Grow up, get over yourself, stop the hypocrisy, get back in the kitchen and make me a cup of tea.



*hides in corner*
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