Men of War

My mate's raving about it, says it's like Company of Heroes with big, brassy bells on.

There's a demo here which I'm downloading right now. Apparently SP isn't great, MP is where it's at.
Ive been playing the Multiplayer Beta from Fileplanet and think its great. Was a huge company of heroes fan, but this plays differently. Took me a few tries to get into it. The single player demo was rubbish I thought, but after getting into MP its fun!

Be warned that there are hardly any tooltips and its hard to get in to and understand at first, but if you stick with it then there's nothing more fun than racing along in an M18 tank destroyer with paper thin armour, trying to get close enough to a large german jadpanther tank whilst avoiding it's shots! Hit the tracks and it then cant turn so its a turkey shoot after that as you drive behind it and hit the back armour... Dont even try shooting the front armour as it wont do anything! Hit the engine block and BOOM! A lot of the time though the german tank will hit you before you manage to get into range or to the side of it to hit the tracks :(
Will definately be getting this though I'm leaving it for a bit whilst they iron out any bugs as they always have to do these days. I've heard that it is very similar to Faces of War, but that is no bad thing.
Its not released in the USA for ages yet, so I'm sure they'll be fixing bugs and Ive come across a lot of sound bugs in the beta where sounds just dont play. Its only £17.99 on a certain mail order site so decided to just buy it to play with a mate CO-OP single player as although the demo was a bit lame, I'm sure co-op on the later levels will be a lot better as the demo is only the first mission!
Got this today.

Been out all day at a rope rescue instructors course training day and just got home. Mrs has picked the game up in town and will be home soon with it.

Will report back after I've installed and played it for a bit. :cool:

Really looking forward to this, one of the reviews I read of it recently said it was "The best strategy game I've played for perhaps a decade". :eek:

Got this today.

Been out all day at a rope rescue instructors course training day and just got home. Mrs has picked the game up in town and will be home soon with it.

Will report back after I've installed and played it for a bit. :cool:

Really looking forward to this, one of the reviews I read of it recently said it was "The best strategy game I've played for perhaps a decade". :eek:


Yeah but they probably said that Farcry 2 was the best FPS for the decade too. lol

Never trust a review these days. Too many goodies passing hands.
Yeah but they probably said that Farcry 2 was the best FPS for the decade too. lol

Never trust a review these days. Too many goodies passing hands.

I'm sure it was actually on one of those hardcore War strategy game forums where they pick holes in everything and slate games if they are not up to scratch by the slightest amount. :p

The proof is in the pudding I 'spose - Come on wifey, get home!!!. :D
My apologies, I was incorrect. The review I read was on Eurogamer :-

"But then, Men of War doesn't need a slick Hollywood narrative to succeed. It does its stunning storytelling on the hoof and on the battlefield. It writes its dramas in blood, and fire, and bullets. Buy this game and you're buying a thousand spontaneous war stories. Buy it and you are buying that rare thing - a military RTS that doesn't have to bow and scrape in the presence of the magnificent Company of Heroes".

Sounds promising.

My other half has just got home so I'm off to install the game and have a go. :)
So far so good.

Graphics and visuals are excellent.

Sound and music is very good and atmospheric. Voice acting, as I had already read on the official forums is dire!!!.

Gameplay wise, its good. I am finding it a bit lacking in a "guiding hand" in the form of a few initial tutorial missions. It gives you a few on screen tips every now and then but generally throws you in at the deep end, so to speak.

For instance, I'm on the third mission and it is telling me to mine the approaches to a few of my buildings but it doesn't explain how you actually lay mines.

Damage to armour appears a bit weird as well. One minute your T34 can be doing fine, then the next some enemy infantry troop chucks a small anti tank grenade at you and your entire tank is destroyed. Seems like there is no progressive damage to me although I could be wrong. At least there is nothing to tell you if your tank is damaged, save for a small diagramm in the bottom left of the screen display which shows track damage etc.

This mission is a complete bitch. You will know it when you get to it ;) :-

I played the demo and I really was not impressed. Bad voice acting, the graphics have not improved much since Soldiers: Heroes of WW2, and the mission was very uninspiring. I was expecting so much more from this.. :(
The graphics are actually pretty good, but the strange thing is you don't actually notice this because the gameplay is so immersive.

If you zoom in, pan out and move the screen around you can actually appreciate the graphics and how well they have been realised.

However, because most of the battles are so "hectic" you don't have time to ponce around looking at pretty screens.

Which is a shame as there are some really nice visual touches in there and they have gone to a lot of length to make sure it looks good, it's just that you have to go looking for it yourself as first impressions graphics wise are mediocre. But take stock, pause for a bit and look around and they are actually very good.
Damage to armour appears a bit weird as well. One minute your T34 can be doing fine, then the next some enemy infantry troop chucks a small anti tank grenade at you and your entire tank is destroyed. Seems like there is no progressive damage to me although I could be wrong. At least there is nothing to tell you if your tank is damaged, save for a small diagramm in the bottom left of the screen display which shows track damage etc.

MoW has an armor damage model not really seen outside of tank sims. Angle, distance & round size/type/what tank all combine to decided whether a shell should penetrate. that successful shell can then continue on to damage the engine or ammo store, or even individual crew members. Sometimes a shell can even pass cleanly through!

Your t34 can repel multiple shells to the front delivered by an inferior pz3, but this game also features metal fatigue so that eventually the armor will break down given enough hammer from lesser rounds and allow penetration. Its pretty much a separate invisible energy bar for front/back/sides armor.

But back to your example, infantry antitank weapons are a tad overpowered in the game for balance reasons. Aan AT grenade to the deck of a tank will 90% of the time result in the destruction of its engine with fire to follow shortly. The russian PTRD rifle can take the tracks off just about every tank, and go through the hull of anything less than a pz3.

Ultimately it pays not to get your tanks too close to infantry!
watched a video on you tube from the multiplayer beta and it looks quite good. are there enough people playing already?
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