Men of War

Agh.. this thread brought back memories of that last Russian mission, with the submarine! Ended up with like 60 saves and just 1 survivor, was epic!

Was all worth it to get the skirmish style missions though, the one where you play the Germans attacking the small American held town was awesome.

damn, going to have to install this again now!
Never knew a MoW was knocking around :O

So many of you are talking about the single player, but nothing on mulitplayer? I played the 1st 3 missions of single player and found it tedious and slow. Mulitplayer is where its at (i felt the same about CoH). Nothing quite like the feeling of getting destroyed by polish and russian pros. ;)
He might mean the dynamic campaign generator, which as the name suggests allows you to randomly generate a set skirmish missions (or a pre set semi historical campaign) in which you choose a side and set up and customise your troops and then as you win/loose the in game skirmishes you move across the campaign map. Quite fun but the AI really isnt built for it.

Linkies ModDB page and offical Men of war Forums for the DCG
I had a brilliant game this evening on one of the bonus maps where you have to defend the town of Veron for 30 minutes. I found I done best when instead of defending right on the edge of the village and the fields, put your main line of resistance all the way through the town. This way tanks struggle to move as freely as they could elsewhere. The attackers even sent a few tanks right around to the right flank and tried coming up that way which I left completely open and had to move forces around.

I prefer it to coh as you really can't put tactics into play :).
Awesome game, deserved more attention than it originally received; glad people are picking it up. :)

Yep - I'm a rts fan and I am glad I bought this game.

I am on the submarine mission and instead of sneaky stealth tactics at night, I tactically placed my 4 guys in ambush. I then got my sniper to take out the watchtower/searchlight sentry and the machine gunner guards. The rest of my team quickly dealt with the supporting germans. To prevent low ammo for the guys, one by one they robbed machine guns and smg ammo from the dead germans and pushed forward to new ambush positions. After 5 mins of intensive firefight, the AAA gun was out of action. At this point, the team were put on RnR as my wife yelled "SWITCH THAT OFF!.. YOU HAVE BEEN ON IT ALL NIGHT AND HAVE WORK IN THE MORNING!" - Mission to resume late tonight. :)
co-op is fun on this, well worth going through all the co-op maps, stealth ones are quite fun.

tank only combat mp is great
battlezones is good too

and me and friends have started playing front lines a lot too, really fun mode of attack and defend.

Multiplayer is where it's at dudes, get on there.
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