Men of War

Awesome game.

Oh and whoever wanted to know how to lay mines. Pick some up from a crate. Then hit use on your guy who has them. Select the mine and your cursor will change to a mine icon. Click in a direction away from your guy you want the mines laid and he'll work his way from where he was standing to where you clicked laying mines.

That train mission was a beeyotch, but just wait till you get to the mission where you have to hold Hill 453 (iirc). I finished that map with one light tank with damaged tracks and 1 guy on a AT Gun and 1 guy on a flak cannon.
I'm really enjoying this game at the moment. It has a different feel to most RTS games. The sense of desperation seems to happen a lot throughout the game as one minute you are doing great and everything looks to be going well, when all of a sudden they send in a few more tanks and just annihilate your defense.

Some of the missions are fantastic. The already mentioned Hill 453 mission was great and once I had positioned my artillery in a better location the level became much easier.

I've just did one of the best levels so far in the game, which involved defending 3 areas whilst the Germans send everything they have at you. At one point I got completely over run so had to retreat and call in more reinforcements, but again with strategic placement of artillery it helps massively.

Sometimes the responsiveness of the AI controlled weapons is a little poor, but then this means that it forces you to be always on the lookout and taking control of guns that are in good range of the Enemy tanks.

The game to me always feels like you can never be sure to be in control as they have sneaky ways of undoing your defence, planes, artillery bombing and so on.
The levels are designed well and the graphics to me look really nice for what it is. The explosions and sound effects are very well done too.

I haven't tried Multiplayer but I will be playing the Co-Op as soon as my friends also buy it. Definitely gets a thumbs up from me.

My next mission I have to sneak through darkness into the enemy camp, whilst checking for mines on the route and only using 5 men...looks like it could be a pain.
Just downloaded and played a small bit of the demo, I thought it was pretty good, but I really like the idea of co-op in it.
Does anyone know any details about the co-op in it? I.e. how many players it supports and if it plays through the single player campaign or whether they are separate campaigns :)
was just looking at their features of the game:

Damaging system
The realistic damage system in Men of War makes combat seem extremely life-like and adds an extra layer of tactics. For example, a tank that has its thick armour hit front on by a shell will hardly be damaged. However, an anti-tank grenade accurately thrown into the engine can cause a great deal of damage. Although, it's not all bad, and if you have a repair kit, it's possible to fix any vehicles that haven't been totally destroyed.

Mm they boast how relistic it is and then cheapen everything with repair kits. Why bother claiming its extremely life like? lol.
Because it takes ******* forever to repair anything. During which time you've got a guy exposed and under fire while he's trying to repair it. I normally don't bother unless it's a critical tank I need and can setup a good cover line while it's being repaired.

Oh and only certain soldiers have repair kits.
Folks, I was on the MoW forums a wee while ago and someone was asking about keys/controls in a thread there.

One of the Devs put up a link to a downloadable .PDF file of the game manual with controls that you could print out if required, here is the link to the download :-


I've found it quite useful so far. :cool:

@Windle Thanks for the tip on mine laying m8. :)
Just downloaded and played a small bit of the demo, I thought it was pretty good, but I really like the idea of co-op in it.
Does anyone know any details about the co-op in it? I.e. how many players it supports and if it plays through the single player campaign or whether they are separate campaigns :)

Supports 4 players in co-op. Was playing with my housemate earlier today. Basically each mission is played individually. After you complete a mission, it goes back to the lobby and the host can choose the next one if they want to, etc. Only annoying thing is that you cant save in co-op mode! So if your PC crashes or you mess up then its back to the start you go. Quite annoying considering the games can take an hour or so for a mission. :mad:
Because it takes ******* forever to repair anything. During which time you've got a guy exposed and under fire while he's trying to repair it. I normally don't bother unless it's a critical tank I need and can setup a good cover line while it's being repaired.

Oh and only certain soldiers have repair kits.

You pick up the repair kits from tanks. Your soldiers dont carry them normally, but any soldier can repair a tank so long as there is a repair kit lying about.

Press TAB to highlight all the dropped items and have a look for repair kits, guns, etc to nick!
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