Poll: Merge in turn - why does nobody get it?

Who was in the right?

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And what should the Merc driver have done?

I think just be gentle with the gas, roll into the free space in front and merge as a safe oppurtunity arises. Gaps will inevitably open up in stop-start traffic. It looked like he intended to boot it to the end of the lane, slam on the anchors and force his way in.

None of which excuses the Renault driver's behaviour
I made a thread in the past about this. A woman decided it was a good idea to block me in the same way, I mounted the central reservation and gave her the finger. It made me rage.

I can understand peoples frustration if they are dumb enough to queue for 800 yards.

To be honest I dont understand why there hasnt been a big campaign to actually educate people. Its ridiculous.

TBH mounting the central reservation sounds far more dangerous than what she did. Well done you.
I reckon this is a tough one, the renault driver definitely shouldnt have been trying to block but the mercedes driver is actually undertaking. Most merge in turn situations involve the outside lane being closed which is much more straight forward.
There was no collision so he did keep a safe space. The Renault driver can't be a **** and expect no repercussions.

Not causing an accident isnt the only definition of keeping a safe distance. He was too close to the renault and was driving eratically.

You obviously don't do many miles each year, you can't be talking about dealing repercussions to other road users. There are morons everywhere, yes the Renault driver was a massive moron but the guy in the merc could have handled it in a way that led to no drama whatsoever.

I bet you're one of these people who slams on the brakes when people tailgate you :rolleyes:
My brother in law used to be a bit of a road warrior, blocking lanes like this. If he saw someone following him on their phone while driving he'd slow down to a crawl, turn round and stare at them.

At least he used to do this until a driver he annoyed pulled a gun on him. My missus was in the car, several months pregnant at the time. They had no idea whether it was real or replica. Horrible an experience as that was, I'd be much happier to take a lift from him now he's realised how risky the amateur traffic police act is.
But the lane was open for another XXX yards, why can't he use it? I mean that whole article is written as though he is the bad guy so of course people are going to vote against him. I would have used that lane too. Not at high speed like a lot of people but i would have slowly cruised down looking for an opening.
Not causing an accident isnt the only definition of keeping a safe distance. He was too close to the renault and was driving eratically.

You obviously don't do many miles each year, you can't be talking about dealing repercussions to other road users. There are morons everywhere, yes the Renault driver was a massive moron but the guy in the merc could have handled it in a way that led to no drama whatsoever.

I bet you're one of these people who slams on the brakes when people tailgate you :rolleyes:

Why should he have had to? I don't suffer fools in the car or out of it. Go hug a tree :rolleyes:
But the lane was open for another XXX yards, why can't he use it? I mean that whole article is written as though he is the bad guy so of course people are going to vote against him. I would have used that lane too. Not at high speed like a lot of people but i would have slowly cruised down looking for an opening.

yup and people would have blocked letting you in because in effect you just circumvented the queue and tried to waltz right to the front of it, no matter how you dress it up...
yup and people would have blocked letting you in because in effect you just circumvented the queue and tried to waltz right to the front of it, no matter how you dress it up...

But the queue would be half the length and therefore half as likely to cause issues further back on the road, if everyone were to circumvent the so called "queue".

The point people need to get in to their heads is that there is no queue!
Why should he have had to? I don't suffer fools in the car or out of it. Go hug a tree :rolleyes:

Oh wow, not the brightest are you

You're driving a car, not having a fight with someone in the pub.

There's absolutely no benefit in getting riled up, but you risk other peoples lives in doing so. Yes it's not fair that the Merc driver was forced into the slower traffic early, but it was going to go one of 2 ways as soon as that renault driver pulled out

1 - As it did. Both drivers angry and doing things which could endanger others
2 - Merc driver brakes, gains a safe distance and pulls in. A tut about the moronic renault driver but no stress. Renault driver gets zero satisfaction from angering somewhere else

You'll never get anywhere in life if you want to spend every minute getting ****ed off at other people, on the road or otherwise. Life is too short to be bothered by the actions of idiots
Oh wow, not the brightest are you

You're driving a car, not having a fight with someone in the pub.

There's absolutely no benefit in getting riled up, but you risk other peoples lives in doing so. Yes it's not fair that the Merc driver was forced into the slower traffic early, but it was going to go one of 2 ways as soon as that renault driver pulled out

1 - As it did. Both drivers angry and doing things which could endanger others
2 - Merc driver brakes, gains a safe distance and pulls in. A tut about the moronic renault driver but no stress. Renault driver gets zero satisfaction from angering somewhere else

You'll never get anywhere in life if you want to spend every minute getting ****ed off at other people, on the road or otherwise. Life is too short to be bothered by the actions of idiots

So you're insulting me now. Nice.

No offence, but I'm too long in the tooth to be taking life advice from random people on the Internet.
But the queue would be half the length and therefore half as likely to cause issues further back on the road, if everyone were to circumvent the so called "queue".

The point people need to get in to their heads is that there is no queue!

Some people need to understand that the length of the queue isn't what dictates how quickly the queue moves.

One lane of static traffic that cant go anywhere isn't going to speed up if there are now 2 lanes of it..
Some people need to understand that the length of the queue isn't what dictates how quickly the queue moves.

One lane of static traffic that cant go anywhere isn't going to speed up if there are now 2 lanes of it..

no, but if people actually merged in turn, it would move better rather than bunching up people should leave bigger gaps, and let people in (1 in, 1 along) that would reduce the speed difference impact, and rather than slowing to a crawl the average speed would just reduce a bit over the road work area and then more quickly/effectively go back up to speed later.
Some people need to understand that the length of the queue isn't what dictates how quickly the queue moves.

One lane of static traffic that cant go anywhere isn't going to speed up if there are now 2 lanes of it..

You're misunderstanding my point. I realise queue length has next to no direct bearing on how quickly you'll get through - that fact that you focus on this is a great example of the sort of short sighted attitude that makes this sort of thing happen. The actual problem with long queues is that it backs up, and ruins traffic flow in otherwise unaffected routes!
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